Mondo Oowada

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Ok, ok, ok-
So I am SO close to finishing my debt-
This chapter is for Mondo Oowada! Sorry if this is short, but I hope you guys like it! Let us head on my Wanderers!
Mondo Oowada. He was a guy that was both feared and respected. He could snap your spine in a single move, and he could chill you to he bone with a single stare. He was in the most famously infamous biker gang in all of Japan, The Crazy Diamonds. He was happy. At least he thought so. His role model, and brother, died in a wreck when him and Mondo were in a race, his beloved dog passed away at 9 years of age, and his lack of friends was really starting to get to him. One day, he decided to go riding on his motorcycle to take his mind off a tough day. The wind was surprisingly calming to him. When Mondo was riding, he started having flashbacks from his past, and rode directly into oncoming traffic. He was hit, but wasn't killed immediately, unlike his brother. An onlooker called the hospital, and Mondo, as well as the driver of the car that crashed into him, to the hospital. Mondo was knocked out, and woke up a few hours after the accident. The original driver of the car died in the hospital, making Mondo feel guiltier than ever. Mondo was stuck in the hospital bed, his body having bruises, cuts, and broken bones. He was visited by everyone in The Crazy Diamonds, all wishing their leader to get well soon. When Mondo eventually got out of the hospital, he was set to stay at home to make sure that he got a complete recovery. Once his recovery was complete, and his bones were fully healed, he set out for the road again. The Crazy Diamonds welcomes their leader back, and they had a little reunion race. It was finally up to the point where the competitors were Mondo and one of the other gang members. They started and were off. The gang member that Mondo was racing was in the lead, and Mondo decided to pick up the pace. They finally were side by side, Mondo passing him by only an inch. They suddenly passed by the area where the crash originally happened, and suddenly steered off course, crashing into a passing car since his mind was clouded by the horrible memories of what had happened only a few months ago. Mondo was barely clinging onto his life, glass from the broken windshield on the opposite car sticking out of him. His bones were broken, and major bruises and cuts were thrown across him. An ambulance was called and he was rushed to the hospital, but the attempts were in vain.
Mondo had died before they got to the hospital.
He died of blood loss, and the previous injuries had reappeared. The Ultimate Biker Fang Leader has passed away, leaving his gang, his mother, and a huge responsibility for his gang members. Yet, he finally joined his brother and his dog after a large amount of time.
He's no longer alone.

Hello again! I know some people might not like this, considering it didn't include the actual cage, or the Mondo Butter part, but I hope you guys appreciate that I at least tried, cause I really did. I think this is one of the saddest chapters hat I have written, but that's just my opinion. Anyways, I hope you liked it, and my next chapter will be on Kiyotaka Ishimaru! Anyways, see you later my Wanderers!
P.S. That picture makes me want to cry.

~614 Words~

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