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~Aaliyah's Pov~

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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We just got news that Siddiq was murdered. Dante was a whisperer all along. We just finished up with the funeral, I wanted to kill Dante. "Aaliyah." Daryl said coming after me. I kept walking, i was gonna go to Dante. I wanted to see him face to face, i don't know what i was gonna get out of it but i wanted to look him in the eyes. My heart was racing, i was blinded by rage. "No." Daryl said getting in front of me, "You're not goin' in there." He said noticing that i was going towards the 'clinic'. I knew they were holding them in there, Rosita told me earlier.

"Get the hell out of my way." I said looking at him, my eyes were glossed over. "I'm not letting' you go in there." he said looking at me. I kept looking at him. "I need to talk to him." i said. "No." he said. "I need-" i said trying to go around him. He stood in front of me. "Stop." He said. "Get out of my way!" I yelled a bit, a few heads turned to us. I caught my breath, He kept his eyes on me. I've never felt this angry, it was overwhelming and i didn't know how to deal with it. All that was on my mind is that i wanted to beat the hell out of him. Or even kill him.

"Get out of my way." I repeated. He shook his head, I don't think he's ever seen me this angry. "Nah." he said. I looked away running my hand through my hair then back at him. "Go home." He said. "Get out of my way." I said again. "You don't start walkin' i'll drag your ass the whole way there." He said sternly. I released a breath and a tear fell, i was just so angry. I took a step closer to him, but he didn't move. "I'm gonna kill him." i said looking him in the eyes. "Start walkin'." He said. I backed away from him and turned, making my way home, wiping the tear away. I went straight home, I went upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut. I wanted to scream so bad, i just wanted to let it ll out. I groaned and punched the wall, I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands.

~Few minutes later~

The door to my room opened. I was in the same position i was in, with my head in my hands. I looked up after a second and put my hands on my knees, looking down at them. "You alright.?" He asked. I shook my head sniffling, trying to calm down. "Siddiq was the reason Carl got bit, Daryl." I said looking up at him. He was standing there, leaning against the door frame. "We went out there because he wanted to get Siddiq here. And now he's dead. Which means Carl died for nothing." I said shaking my head, looking at him with glossy eyes. "Nah he didn't," He said. "He did. Siddiq is dead. Enid is dead. I'm not good enough- i needed him to teach me more things." I said shaking my head.

"You're kiddin'. " he said shaking his head too, He stood up straight and walked over to me. "Everyone's gonna be lookin' up at you now. You know a lot more than you know 'cause Carl brought him here. You're carryin' his legacy now. All that medicine shit you know is because of him. So, Carl didn't die for nothin'." He said looking at me. I looked up at him. "no pressure." I said. He scoffed and sat down next to me. "You're pissed, everyone's pissed 'n scared. But we'l figure somethin' out." he said. I nodded a bit looking a him sighing.

"i'm sorry, for yelling.." I said. "You're good." he said biting the inside of his cheek. I nodded too, "Listen, i- gotta go out there again. We got a lead on Alpha's herd." he said. I exhaled through my nose a bit, kind of scoffing. I looked away from him and stood up and ran my hand through my hair. "We're goin' in a group. I ain't goin' alone." he said. I walked out of the room and he followed me. I sat down on the steps and he sighed as he sat down next to me.

"We'll be back, we gotta check it out 'liyah. You know that too." he said. I nodded a bit. They did need to go, "I don't want you to go though." i said looking at the stairs. I sighed, "Don't do anythin' stupid while i'm gone. Aight.? I'm serious.." he said. I nodded, "Yeah," i said. "Jackson and one of the guys are comin' too. Just lettin' you know." he said. "Jackson?" i asked. He nodded. "Yeah, he didn't tell you?" He asked. I shook my head, "I was in here. I'm gonna go talk to him.." i said. He nodded. "We're leanin' in a bit." He said.

"Meet you by the fence." I said softly. "Yeah." he said. I put a hand on his arm then stood up. I took my hand off his arm. " 'Bout time." he said as i made my way down a few steps. I stopped at the last step then looked back at him. "Time for what?" I asked. "You ain't wearin' your ring anymore." He said. I looked down at my hand. "I've had it off.. For a while.." I said. "Guess we were too busy fightin' for me to notice." He said. I nodded, "Yeah, guess so." i said and shrugged a bit. "See you in a bit," I said. "Mm." He said.


"When were you gonna tell me that you guys were leaving?" i asked walking in Jackson's place. He looked back at me. "When you were done yelling at your brother." He said giving me a look. I looked away from him. "Remind me not to get you mad." he said walking up to me. I looked up at him. "I was upset. Okay?" i said walking and sitting on the couch. I sighed and he came to me, sitting next to me. "Yeah i saw," he said looking at me. I looked at him too, "Are you okay now.?" he asked. I shrugged a bit. "I mean- i still want to kill Dante.. But, yeah i'm alright." i said softly and looked away from him.

"Why are you going anyways?" i asked. "They needed an extra pair of hands." He said. I nodded a bit, The door opened. "You ready- oh shit hey 'Liyah." We looked over to see Gavin, one of the guys that hung out with Jackson. "Hey Gav," i said. "You ready man?" He asked looking at Jackson. "Yeah, cmon." He said putting a hand on my knee. We got up and we headed towards the gate to see the rest of the people that were heading out. "Be careful guys," i said hugging Jackson. He hugged me back and we pulled away and i hugged Gavin too. "Alright?" i asked as he hugged me back. "Yeah," he said and we pulled away. I nodded and put a hand on his arm then walked over to my brother.

"Hey," i said reaching him. "Hey." He said looking at me. "Be careful, okay.? Please." i said standing in front of him. He nodded. "Yeah." He said softly. I nodded a bit and bit my lip slightly. "Please." I repeated. They were going out to look for Alpha's herd, there may be a chance that they could run into Alpha, or Beta for all we know. He nodded, "Yeah," he said and pulled me into him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "I wanna go.." I said softly. "Yeah, well.." he said rubbing my arm then pulling away. "Things go to shit here, you're the only doctor this place has." he said looking at me. I nodded a bit. "Yeah.." i said softly and sighed the slightest.

"We'll see you soon, alright.?" he asked putting a hand on the side of my head. I nodded, "Alright," i said and looked over to Connie, I gave her a smile. "Um- Be.. Careful." I said signing to her. She nodded. "Yes." I said happy that i was got it, I hugged her and we all said our goodbyes.

A/N: Hey guys! It sucks that we need to wait until February to watch the next episode. How are you guys feeling about this last episode? Do you guys think there'll be any deaths..?

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