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Hey guys!! I'm so happy to start writing again!! How did you guys like first episode? Anyways thanks for waiting so long for this chapter haha, enjoy!💕

Rip Scott Wilson :( You will be missed.

~Aaliyah's Pov~

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~Aaliyah's Pov~

It's been about a month. We've built new things for Alexandria, The Hilltop, Oceanside and The Sanctuary. We were all working together now. The sanctuary and it's people were no longer a threat to us, they were our people now. Maggie had her baby, It was a beautiful healthy baby boy. She named him Hershel after her father. Negan was taken to Alexandria, and he was being kept there ever since it all went down. 

We've rebuilt Alexandria and added new buildings to it. Same for Hilltop, with the book that Georgie gave us we've been adding things to help us out. Maggie was still the leader. Daryl was leading the people at the Sanctuary, He's been telling me he doesn't like it there at all. I mean can you blame him? Negan and his people kept him there and practically tortured him in sick ways. He didn't tell me what happened but he came to Hilltop pretty beat up. 

Anyways.. Enough of the recap. Today we had a run, we were going to the city to gather some more things we needed. We were checking out a museum, Maggie said there might be some things we could use for Hilltop. Right now, we were getting to leave. Maggie and Enid were preparing the carriage we were gonna take, i walked over to the horse stalls and saw Marcel sitting on one of the tables, "Hey," i said walking up to him. He looked over, "Hey," he said. "Can you help me out? I need to get the horses." I said. He nodded and got up, putting his knife away. We walked over to the stalls and we started preparing the horses. I walked up to one of them  I pet one of them and smiled a bit. "Aaliyah Dixon in a horse stall? That's a sight i never thought i'd see." I looked over to one of them and pet him. 

"Are you gonna make me do all the work or what?" He asked. I smiled looking at the horse then at him. "No," i said grabbing the halter and the rope, I placed it on the horses head and attached the rope to it. "Never thought of you as a horse person." He said as i opened the gate and led the horse out with the rope. "I love horses." I said looking at it and petting it. Marcel walked over to me with the saddle and placed it on it. "Really?" He asked walking away to the horse he was helping me out with. "No, i'm saying it to impress you," I said in a duh tone. I secured the saddle on the horse smiling at him. 

"Shut up." he said reaching me I laughed a bit. "No, i really do though." I said. He smiled looking at me. I looked at him too. "Are you coming with us?" I asked walking up to him, with the horse. "Yeah, maybe. I need to see if they need any help here though. If they do then i'm staying." He said petting the horse too. "You're going?" He asked. I nodded, "Yeah," I said and walked out with the horses. He followed me and closed the door. "Your brother lets you go on things like this?" he asked. "Yeah. It's not like i'm 12.. Either way he never lets me out of his sight. It's not like i'm alone either you know?" I said as we went up to the carriages. 

"How old are you anyway?" He asked. I shook my head. "Um.. I'm gonna be 19 soon.. I think." I said softly. Actually starting to think about it. "You think." he said. "Yeah- i don't-" i said laughing a little. "Okay, how old were you when this hit." he said. "12." i said. He stayed quiet for a few seconds then nodded. "Yeah, 19. But, you're still a kid, Kid." He said looking at me. I shook my head looking at him. "Not really." I said as we reached the carriage, we started hooking up the horses to it. "Nine Teen. Hear the teen? As long as there's a teen at the end. You're still a teen. Therefore, a kid." He said. I shook my head. "Dude," I said. He looked at me. "Dude." he said mocking me. "Shut up." I said smiling at him. 

Maggie walked out, "You two are fast," She said. "I'm so fast." I said looking at Marcel. He smiled a bit and shook his head. "Would you mind coming with us? We could use the help." Maggie said looking at him. He nodded. "Yeah," He said. "Get your horses ready." She said as other started coming out, getting ready. We were gonna meet the rest half way. we walked back to the stalls, i got the black horse. I've kind of bonded with her more than the others, I named her Raven. 

I walked up to her and pet her. "Hi baby." i said kissing it's nose. She nudged her head a bit closer and i rested my forehead on it as i smiled. I didn't want people to take her out, she gets jumpy/nervous with other people that don't know how to handle her. She doesn't trust easy either, the only people she lets get close to her was just Maggie and I. Maggie found and tamed her, i always cleaned her up. Slowly she gained my trust too. 

We got the horses ready and headed out. 


We met up with the rest on our way there . We hopped off our horses and i tied mine up "Okay," I said and pet it. "Liyah." I heard Daryl's voice. I looked over to him. "Hey," I said, He looked at the horse. "I couldn't even get to touch that damn horse." He said looking at it. I giggled a bit. "Look," I said going up to it. I hugged it's neck and pet it. "She loves me." I said kissing it's neck. "Whatever." he said grabbing his crossbow. I smiled a bit at him and let her go, I walked over to him as we made out way to the stairs. "I named her Raven." I said. "Who's Raven?" i heard Jesus. I looked back. 

"Her damn horse." Daryl said. I smiled. "She's cute, look at her." I said pointing at her a bit. Everyone looked at me. "Stop looking at me like i'm crazy. It's a name and i love that horse." I said looking at everyone, They all smiled and shook their heads. I looked at Rick. "Shake your head. I dare you." i said. He put his hands up slightly in defense and smiled a bit. "Mhm." i said as he and Michonne went to the door. "Best friends forever." Marcel said. "Shut up. You can't even get close to her, Jokes on you." i said looking at him. 


Guys i'm back! I'm so happy the walking dead is back!!

I miss Carl, Here's a gif of our Smol Bean :(:

I miss Carl, Here's a gif of our Smol Bean :(:

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