Chapter 3. Direct messages

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tchalamet wants to send you a message

Accept - Decline

tchalamet: Hey, thank you for posting about the movie, it means a lot

LyraJ: Haha no prob, it was great, I loved it

tchalamet: Holy shit you actually responded

tchalamet: omg I'm sorry that was so lame I'm sorry

LyraJ: No no it's fine, don't worry

tchalamet: I'm sorry I'm really awkward when I'm nervous

tchalamet: I've seen all your movies and just think you're really great

tchalamet: God I'm so lame

LyraJ : No, you're sweet

LyraJ: And thank you

LyraJ: Look I'm so sorry to have to cut this short, but I'm having lunch with my friends soon so I have to go

tchalamet: Oh, that's okay you don't have to apologize

LyraJ: I know, it was just nice talking to you

tchalamet: You too <3

LyraJ: I'll text you later, yeah?

tchalamet: I'd really like that

tchalamet: Have fun at lunch

LyraJ: Thanks <3



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