Chapter 21. Group chat

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Los losers

Ly: I'm sad

Ly: I'm literally on the plane trying not to cry

Allybaby: Oh my baby

Allybaby: It'll be okay, you'll see him soon enough

Ro-Ro: Ally's right. It's not that long and you'll still to him every day

Ly: I know that

Ly: I'm just scared that it won't be the same and things'll change

Ly: That he'll realize that it's not worth it. That I'm not worth it

Ro-Ro: Baby that won't happen and believe me, you are so worth it. He'd be the biggest idiot on the planet if he didn't see that. What you and Timmy have is special. Just because you won't see each other as much doesn't mean anything'll change

Ly: I guess you're right

Allybaby: Of course she is

Allybaby: Just trust us, okay? That boy worships you. He loves you so much, he won't let anything come between you and I know you won't either

Ly: You're right, we won't. I'll go on this tour, then I'll be back for three weeks before I start filming Endgame and Lights Up

Ro-Ro: You'll film them at the same time, right?

Ly: Yeah, during the week I film with Marvel and in the weekends I film Lights Up

Allybaby: Dude you won't even have time to miss Timmy, you'll be so busy

Ly: Yeah, he'll be filming then too so he'll be busy as well

Ro-Ro: Well that's good at least

Ly: Yeah

Ly: Anyway, the plane's about to land so I have to go, byeeeeee

Allybaby: Bye baby

Ro-Ro: Bye hon


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