Chapter 6. Group chat

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Los Losers

Ally - Allybaby

Rosa - Ro-Ro

Lyra - Ly

Ro-Ro: Lyra explain why the Timothée Chalamet keeps commenting on your posts

Allybaby: Yeah I've been wondering the same

Ly: He dm'd me after I posted about cmbyn

Allybaby: Yeah but that was a month ago, why's he commenting now?

Ly: No reason

R-Ro: Lyra

Ly: Rosa

Ro-Ro: Come on just tell us

Ly: This is peer pressure and it's not okay

Allybaby: LYRA


Ly: We didn't stop talking after he dm'd me

Ro-Ro: How often?

Ly: I don't see how that's relevant

Allybaby: I'm gonna repeat myself

Allybaby: LYRA

Ly: Fine, fine there's no need to raise your voice

Ly: We've been talking at least once a day

Ro-Ro: WHAT!??

Ly: It's just texting, no need to be so scandalized

Ly: We're just friends

Allybaby: For now ;)

Ro-Ro: Mhmm

Ly: Don't do anything

Allybaby: Just relax

Ro-Ro: Yeah, no need to worry

Ly: Just kill me now please


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