Chapter 20. Real life

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They woke up from the alarm early the next morning and quickly got dressed. They ate breakfast mostly in silence, only exchanging a few words. Neither wanted her to go and they both knew that, they'd already talked about it, but they knew it had to happen and just tried to ignore it for as long as they could.

After finishing breakfast and cleaning up, they went down to the car, ready to go to the airport. Timothée was driving, one of his hands were entwined with hers, resting on her thigh, her thumb gently stroking his hand.

"I don't want to leave you," she said sadly.

He sighed, squeezing her hand. "I know, sweetheart."

They spent the rest of the drive i silence, just holding hands.

They drove into the airport parking lot, got out and grabbed her luggage. He was going to walk her to security and then she would go off on her own to meet Elizabeth Olsen and Tom Holland by the gate.

He had his arm around her shoulders and she was leaning slightly into him. They were both wearing hoodies and kept their heads down, wanting to go unnoticed when they were saying goodbye.

They walked a bit away from the people going through security before turning to face each other.

Lyra was trying to force a smile to her lips, but just couldn't do it, and Timothée was clutching her hand, as if by letting go, he'd lose her forever. She stepped forward up and wrapped her free arm around his shoulders in a hug, before burying her head in his neck, breathing in his comforting smell. His hands went to her waist and he wrapped his arms around her resting his head on hers.

"I'm gonna miss you," he whispered.

"I'll miss you too," she said quietly, only for him to hear. "It's only two months, we'll talk every day. We'll be fine," she assuringly, trying to comfort both of them.

"I really, really care about you," he smiled tightly, pulling away and looking into her eyes.

"You too," she whispered, leaning her forehead against his. They both closed their eyes, relishing in the last moments they'd have together for some time.

"There's like twenty minutes 'till my plane starts boarding. I have to go," she said unwrapping her arms from where they'd been resting on his waist.

She was turning around to walk away, but Timothée stopped her by grabbing her wrist and gently turning her around. She looked up at him, confused. Timothée knew he had to do this, he couldn't let her leave before he'd kissed her. Fears be damned.

He cupped her cheek and his eyes looked into hers, looking for consent before proceeding. He could see her eyes flicker between his eyes and lips, understanding what was about to happen, and they both started leaning forwards.

Timothées eyes closed and he paused right before their lips met, letting her make the final choice in kissing him or not and giving her a final chance to back away.

Luckily, she leaned in and their lips finally met. It was like nothing he'd felt before. Sure, he'd kissed other girls before, but they hadn't been Lyra. Her lips were soft, warm and gentle against his.

Their lips moved steadily against each other. One of his hands were cupping her cheek and the other was rested on her waist. Her left hand was on his forearm, and the right one was placed on the nape of his neck.

Lyra was the one to pull away. She looked up at him and smiled shyly. "I'm glad you did that."

"So am I," he smiled boyishly.

"Okay, well, I have to go," she sighed, both her hands on his cheeks. "I'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah. Can't wait," he said genuinely.

She brought his face down to hers again and pressed her lips against his in a short but sweet kiss goodbye.

"Bye," she muttered, her lips barely brushing against his before she pulled away completely.

He said the same thing back before she turned around to walk away again, and this time he didn't stop her. She walked to the security area, and right before she went through, she turned around and saw him standing in the same spot she had left him in. She gave a wave and a small smile before turning around and walking out of sight.

Timothée sighed and walked back to his car, heart heavy knowing he wouldn't hold her in his arms again for two months.


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