7 Angry is Good

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I hear the apartment doors closing, so I set my sketchpad on the nightstand and wait. Somebody knocks on my door. I unlocked them earlier because I used to lock them only the first few nights staying here. Granted, them being locked now would look suspicious.

"Zach?" It’s Dean.

"Come in," I say.

He opens the door and his eyes zeros in on me. His brow creases. His gaze slides over my room and settles on the nightstand.

"Everything is okay?" He asks.


He’s still frowning but finally nods.

"Come to the living room. There’s someone I’d like you to meet."

I have a feeling I know who that someone is, but I get off my bed and slowly leave my room. When I enter the living room, sure enough, Dante is standing next to the couch. I stop at the end of the living room but don’t go closer.

"Hi, I’m Dante." He says extending a hand in my direction.

"Zach," I mumble. I quickly peek at him and he’s smiling. Smiling!


"So you work for Dean?" Dante asks. Lowering his hand.

He knows that I do, so I stay silent.

"He’s a strong silent type." Dean jokes.

Daisy comes out of the kitchen handing Dante a mug and hugging him sideways.

"Zach! Now that you’ve met Dante, maybe we all could watch a movie or play some video games and chat! You in, honey?"

I want to say no so badly. My hands curl into a tight fist, but I just nod and wait until everyone is sitting.

You keep your mouth shut, boy! My father yells at me in my head. I hate this.

"Dean, Daisy, you need something from the kitchen?" I ask quietly.

"No, hon, I’m good." Daisy answers.

"Can you bring me some coke too?" Dean asks.

I nod and go to the kitchen. I’m not even across the threshold when I hear Daisy’s soft voice. "Don’t take it personally, he’s not comfortable around men."

"What’s his story?" Dante asks.

"Not sure, he’s not talking about it. As far as we know someone named Ben hurt him." Daisy says.

"I called his previous employer, said that he’s been jumpy all along, and was heavily beaten before he fired him. Said he thinks he’s a junkie." Dean adds.

That has my blood boiling. I hate that they talk about me behind my back like I’m not even there. For God’s sake, I'm right here. Why people keep treating me like I’m invisible. Like I’m nothing.

You’re worthless!

"Is he?" I hear Dante ask.

I’m already back in the living room, Daisy sucks in an audible breath, while I thrust my arms forward, exposing insides of my elbows and wrists.

"I'm not a junkie!" I want to say more, I’m so angry, but I pivot around and head to my room. I close my doors silently and pace my room a few times. Then I take my sketchbooks and pens and go. In the living room the Mendes sibling is whispering amongst themselves. When Daisy sees me and my sketchbook, she's in front of me in a second, hugging me.

"Daisy!" Dante says in an alarmed tone. But she just holds me. I don’t hug her back. I’m angry at her.

"I’m sorry, honey!" She whispers to me. She leans back to look at me and says louder. "It’s okay to be angry. It’s good to be angry. We were disrespectful and you have every right to be mad. Are you going to draw?"

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