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Approximately nine months later

I stand in the kitchen making waffles as I hear Dean entering. He comes behind me and snakes his hands around my waist.

"Morning." He murmurs in my ear, kissing my neck.

"Good morning." I smile at him, turning in his embrace.

"Happy anniversary." I beam.

Dean chuckles. "Happy anniversary, again."

Officially yesterday was our one-year anniversary since we met, but it was Sunday so we both agreed to celebrate it today.

"Oh, don't spoil it for me. I have plans." I wink at Dean and hand him his coffee.

Our morning routine hasn't changed, but it's actually good. We learned that predictable day patterns are better for my anxiety and panic attacks. I still see Dr. Patel, although, now it's only every other week. He says I'm one of the fastest progressing patient he has ever met. My ability to move on and forgive is remarkable, so it makes my healing faster. What can I say? I'm that cool. And I also have a very healthy environment and a strong support system.

"So what have you planned?" Dean asks.

We made a deal for today. I got to plan the morning, while he does the afternoon and the evening we spend at home snuggling.

"It's a surprise." I kiss him and hand a plate of waffles.

"Okay, but do I have to be dressed for it?"

"Yes, we're going into the city."

Dean quirks an eyebrow and stuffs his mouth full of waffles. I sit down with my coke and smirk at him. When he's done, he helps me to clean up and we have a bit of a make-out session in the kitchen. We're still unable to keep our hands to ourselves.

An hour later we're heading into the city, and as we get closer the more nervous I become. What if he doesn't like it? Maybe I should have thought of something else.

"It's okay, Zach, stop stressing. You know that whatever you have planned will be great." Dean reassures me and takes my hand.

"Yeah." I drawl, but I'm not so sure.

I stop the car in front of Tom's tattoo parlor and turn off the engine.

"Are you getting a tattoo or am I?" Dean asks beaming.

"Um... You... if you're okay with it. I. Um..."


I take a deep breath and let it out. Then repeat it three more times. Dean just sits next to me and patiently waits, holding my hand.

"You kept asking me to draw you a design for a tattoo, and I did. But I thought it would be the best effect if you didn't look at it till the evening, but now that I think about it, it's stupid. It's your body so of course you will want to see it, before it's put on you."
I say, my enthusiasm about my plan deflated.

"Babe, look at me," Dean says softly, lifting my hand to his lips and kissing it. I turn sideways in my seat and look at him.

"I trust you, Zach. I've seen you draw tattoo after tattoo and you know me better than anyone else. I know the one you drew for me will be perfect and I will not look at it until evening if that's what you want. So what do you say, let go and get me tattooed up?" Dean smiles at me so wide that his teeth are showing.

"You're sure?" I ask, just to be certain.

"Of, course." Dean practically jumps out of the car and once I'm at his side, he quickly tugs me into a hug.

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