🗡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5: 𝚂𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚘𝚎𝚢🗡

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{Chapter 5: Susie and Joey}

||☻Third Person P.O.V.☻||

~A Day Later~

The moment Frank walked through the schools gates he knew exactly what was going to happen. He mapped out his day the moment he left Y/n's house the day prior. He gripped onto his back and took long strides over to Susie's locker, hoping she'd be there. And he was right, there she was inputting her code which he happened to have memorized already. He went over to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey Suz!" He greeted her. "Oh! Hey Frank, what's up?" She asked. Frank smiled and and went close to her and whispered into her ear. "Do you wanna skip class today? I have something.. well someone I want you to meet." He said silently. Susie looked at him and nodded. "Uh yeah sure! Oh and do you have any more information on Y/n? Do you know if she's alright?" Frank nodded in response and Susie sighed. "Well I guess I won't need these.." she put her books back in her locker and closed it. "Soo should we start walking to where you wanna go orrrr.." Frank smiled and grabbed Susies arms and started leading her to where he first met Joey, and there he was. Just as he expected.

Frank and Susie approaches Joey and they sat down on the bench. "Hey Frank", "Whats up Joe?" They greeted. "Nothing much.. say, who's this?" He looked down at Susie. "Joey this is my good friend Susie, I wanted you guys to meet because I wanted to ask you guys something.." Susie waved at Joey and Joey waved back then they both looked at Frank quizzically. "What is it you want to tell us Frank?" Susie asked with an eyebrow raised. Frank smirked and then spoke about his idea. He talked about his new group, The Legion, and Joey seemed to love the idea. As Frank finished Susie and Joey looked at each other.

  "Sounds like a plan Frank!" Joe said without hesitation and put his hand out for Frank to shake and they did a little handshake and pulled him into a hug. "Sorry man, I'm a hugger!" He laughed then Frank turned back to Susie. "What about you Suz?" Frank asked the frantic sophomore. Susie messes with her pink hair then looked down. "What about Y/n?" She asked nervously. "Oh don't worry, she'll join.. she will.." Susie brightened up and nodded. "O-Ok! Well I'll join! Is there any requirements?" Susie meant it as a joke but Frank however still had something to ask of the two. "Actually, yes. It might seem ridiculous but.." Frank dug into his back and pulled out a mask with a large grin and eyes painted on it. "You've got to make yourself a mask. I know I know it sounds weird but trust me.. you'll want one." He put it back in his bag and zipped it up. Susie and Joey seemed to be a little confused but they nodded and relaxed more. "Oh! Wait wait wait wait.. I almost forgot!" He spoke whilst laughing, sounding a little insane but he kept it cool. Susie nervously looked around nervously, fearing someone could've heard Franks... laughter. Frank pulled out a hunting knife and Susie and Joey stared wide eyed at the weapon. "How the hell did you get let into the school with that thing?!" Susie asked frantically. Joey didn't say anything, he seemed to have been relaxed after a little while. "I'm guessing we have to also have our own weapon? -For self defense purposes?" He looked down at Susie for the last part to calm her down, seeming that she thought they'd be going on a murder spree. Frank began to speak. "You guys can spend the rest of the day however you want just make sure you bring the requirements. Meet me at the Ormond ski resort. Yes I know it's abandoned but that's why it's perfect, but there's a nearby gas station that isn't abandoned." He winked with the last part and Joey and Susie smirked. "Alright see you Frank, it's almost passing period and I'm going to start planning for tomorrow." Susie said then left while waving bye. Joey waved back at her and his face darkened. "Ooooh! I see you like Suz!" Frank teased. "Oh shut up... she's kind of cute man." "Yeah yeah ok, have fun.." Frank joked and they both laughed. Joey got up, did his handshake with Frank, and left. Frank smirked and looked at the schools fence and just climbed it. He dropped down and ran towards Y/n's house.

||♡Your P.O.V.♡||

  Foster care?! What the hell... no! They can't just put me into foster care! I'm perfectly fine on my own.. I spoke up to the woman sitting in front of me.

  "What? Why can't I just live on my own?!" I said with an angered tone. The woman responded calmly. "Miss L/n, I apologize for what has happened but you must understand, you don't have enough money and the authorities are still investigating the suicide. Either way we must give you to a foster family. It's awful to be alone, especially at your ag-" I cut her off before she could finish. "Thank you for your help.. I'll be going home to pick up." I said with agitation. I pushed out my chair and went for the door.

  "Miss L/n again.. I am terribly sorry for your losses, please forgive me for doing this I know you loved your parents dearly.. but you must move on." I looked at her angrily and shut the door behind me, leaving back to my house with my soon to be abandoned memories. As I arrived I saw a similar tall and slim figure.

  "F..Frank?" I called out, hoping it was my close friend. "The one and only~" he joked. He walked closer to me and brought me into a friendly embrace, making my face become red as I pulled away bashfully. I slicked my hand through my hair and spoke. "So.. aren't you supposed to be in school?" "Yeah but I really wanted to make sure you were alright.." he said while looking down at his weathered shoes. "Well since you're here I might as well tell you... I.. I have to go into foster care and due to that I have to pack up my house so... would it be alright if you help me?" I asked nervously, not wanting to ask to much of the male. "Oh of course doll!" He took my arm as we made our way to the door. I reached for my keys and unlocked the door and let him in first. I walked in and shut the door behind me and turned and met face to face with Frank.

  "U-Uhh I'm sorry! I'll just.." he had a look in his eyes, something I couldn't quite make out, but it made me feel a strange warmth inside. My legs started to quiver and my body became hot as I tried to get as far away from him, looking down in the process. I bumped into his arm which was on one side of me and I looked back up at his face and he was smirking.

  "Y/n?.." he said softly. I gulped. "Y-yes?.." I spoke, a shakiness coming out as I spoke. "I..I know we've only known each other for a few weeks but.. I've grown fond of you... I.. I really love you.. it's this burning feeling inside I just can't get rid of... and I don't want to get rid of it~." He spoke with a sort of seducing tone, and I fell for it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and went in for a kiss. It wasn't the best but it was a first, but it was filled with passion. Once we pulled away he brought his hands to my waist and pulled me close. He spoke.

  "So.. have you thought about it?" "About wha-" I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Oh.. I uh... I have.. and I would like to join.." I smiled and looked at him in the eyes. He smiled and rejoiced. "Yes! You were the last person we needed!" I laughed and hugged him.

  "So what's this group going to be called?"

  "The Legion, seems fitting, doesn't it?"

Forbidden ~Legion(Frank) x Reader [ABANDONED, CHECK THE REMAKE <3]Where stories live. Discover now