Chapter 12: Elite tag match

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At the arena.

It's the SD tag team champions the Elite Slayers teaming with the Big Dog Roman Reigns fighting against the Grizzled Young Veterans and King Corbin. It all started off with Draghar and Corbin. The bell rang and Corbin landed a Cheapshot to the White Winged Devil, he had his eyes closed before he opened them again with a angry stare and did a devastating Mountain Splitter to the Lone Wolf which knocked to the ground instantly, the entire arena noticed the Slovenians brute strength. He then grabbed Corbin and threw him on the ropes and bounced off and got a Fuse Radar to the face and pinned him but he kicked out. Draghar tagged in his partner Zeighar and he did a Phenomenal Forearm to the Lone Wolf while Draghar was holding him. He then left and Zeighar was about to do a Life Steal but the Lone Wolf retaliated with a Clothesline and then dragged him to his corner and tagged in Zack Gibson who also tagged James Drake and the two did Shanky Gates and went for the pin but he kicked out. James then grabbed the Prince for a Back Suplex, the Prince of Madness tried to get up but Drake did a Headbutt to his head but Zeighar retaliated with a punch, the two then did Cheapshots that knocked each other out. They we're desperate to get the tags and Zeighar tagged Roman while Drake tagged Zack and the two got out and began trading punches. Roman did a Elbow Blow to Gibson before using the ropes for a Superman Punch and sent him to his corner and Corbin tagged himself in and the new rivals began staring daggers before sparking a brawl, Corbin went for a punch but Roman ducked and the Big Dog used the ropes for a Spear and went for the pin but GYV broke the count and the Elite Slayers also got out and a brawl between the teams started. Drake did a Enzeguiri to Zeighar, Zack earned a Mountain Splitter to the chest from Draghar, Roman got Corbin up but retaliated with a punch before grabbing the Big Dog for End of Days and it connected and almost went for the pin if it wasn't for Draghar who did Skull Crusher to Corbin and then Zeighar who did a Defective Clash to James went to Draghar and the two did Essence Devour and pinned the Lone Wolf and the match was done.
Announcer: Here are your winners... The team of the SD tag team champions the Elite Slayers and Roman Reigns!!!
The two helped the Big Dog get up and they got their arms raised by the referee in victory.
Roman: That was some nice tagging guys, hope we can do it again.
Marcus: Yeah, we wish.
Dragan: It was very nice, now next week we prepare for Gibson and Drake
Roman: Well good luck with GYV next week, see ya fellas.
He then left
Dragan: He is nice person.
Marcus: He's always good man.
Then their girlfriends arrived to give them hugs.
Carmella: Nice performance with Roman.
Liv: You beat the GYV and Corbin with ease.
Marcus: But it's not the end there cause next week we have to face GYV and defend our titles.
Dragan: We may be strong but they're good teamers.
Carmella: But you'll still beat them.
Marcus: She's right we will do it!

OK guys, this is chapter 12 and I'm updating tomorrow.
Peace out!

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