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It has been an hour since Hosuh has been prepping and cooking breakfast, the aroma of bacon and pancake warmed the cold lonely living room and kitchen; melting it into a soothing vibe in the dorm. Smiling at his work, he wiped away the small droplet of sweat on his forehead; letting out a contented sigh, he reached his hand over to the counter.

Grabbing his phone and tapping it open, as he was hovering his finger over at the contacts app;

,,He doesn't have Stephen's phone number.

It felt like everything came to a pause at that moment, Hosuh held a poker face and groaned at the realization; he has to go out and contact Stephen personally made his feet go cold. After pondering and walking around in circles like a wannabe-detective, he gathered all of his courage, wore his over-sized jacket from the coat rack, and went off.

Leaving the dorm, he felt the cold breeze pass by him; shuddering and rubbing his forearms with his jacket sleeves, he strolled over to Stephen's dorm which was just a few blocks close to his dorm.
Trailing his hand to the red oak door, he knocked a few times before hastily pulling it away; gulping down the nervous lump in his throat and perking up when he heard a few steps and a ' click '.

And there stood a disheveled man, his mohawk a ruffled mess, his white shirt all tangled and his sweatpants,, well just sweatpants. He has this irritated expression on why he was awoken again at this time of day at 7:23 AM, but his expression softened when he saw Hosuh; trailing his hand to ruffle his mohawk and breaking the silence.

" So what brings you here, Hosuh? "

Hosuh snapped back to reality, pink tints splashing around his cheeks and sheepishly smiling at Stephen; Stephen honestly finds that cute to see Hosuh smile.

" Right! Uh,, i was thinking i could invite you to my dorm to eat breakfast with me! "

Stephen pondered, is it alright to eat breakfast with some cute boy you just met yesterday after your arrival?

Sounds legal enough.

He nodded and flashed out a killer smile, leaning against his doorframe and clickling his tongue against the roof of his Tongue. God, Hosuh would've already collapsed infront of Stephen if he wasn't that handsome looking.
Hosuh nodded, gesturing Stephen to come along and went his way; walking back to his dorm and the scent already wafting by Hosuh's nose. Then came along Stephen and the scent filled his nostrils with the soothing aroma.

" I can already tell I'm being fed by a secret famous chef. "

Giggling at Stephen's response, Hosuh had already set the tables and holding two mugs filled with hot water; waiting to be turned into coffee and tea.

" Let's go eat, Stephen! "

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