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After breakfast, things got silent between the two; glancing at whatever they could observe at from afar or just their phones. But both didn't mind the silence, in fact they kind of enjoyed the silence since they could feel the other's presence at the other side of the table.

Stephen moved his gaze over at Hosuh, who was busy looking at cat pictures in his phone; whistling at the silverette, Hosuh perked up.

" Hey Hosuh, I'm kinda bored. "
" Me too. "

Staring at Stephen, his purple eyes is so mesmerising and pleasing to look at; like a piece of purple silk cloth or a smoothened Dollop of royal purple frosting. After all, Hosuh's favorite color is purple. Silence flooded the room once again as both of them stared at each other's eyes, and then again; Stephen broke the silence.

" Would you rather stay at home with no wifi or leave your house with a bunch of friends? "

Hosuh clicked his tongue and tapped his finger on his chin, looking up at the ceiling and pondering in a deep thought; before moving his gaze back at Stephen and cracked a smile.

" Although i don't like leaving my house much, I'd rather go out with my friends than suffer staying at home with no wifi. "

Stephen as well copied Hosuh's thinking manner, tapping his chin and humming; clicking his tongue and then snapping his fingers.

" What if i just cheat and bring my phone to a friend's house? They have wifi so it's a win-win! "

Snickering and then bursting into laughter as the purple headed male gripped onto his ruffled mohawk, Hosuh as well giggled along side the laughing Stephen. Both out of breath from laughing and a big goofy smile placed on their face, Hosuh let out a happy sigh and stacking the finished plates on top of each other; bringing it over to the sink and washing them.
He glanced over at Stephen, chewing the insides of his cheek and then suddenly speaking again.

" Stephen, if you have just one wish; what would you wish for? "

Stephen pondered for a moment, leaning against the dinner table and tapping his feet; clicking his tongue before tugging the edges of his lips into a smile.

" Hmm, good question; but i don't think i have anything in mind right now to wish for something. "
" To be honest, I'm surprised because you seem like a guy to wish for world domination or an apocalypse to happen. "

Stephen let out an exaggerated offended gasp, slamming his fist at the table and taping a silly angry looking face; raising a brow at Hosuh.

" Oh how DARE you! Assuming things about me is quite rude, good sir! "

Snickering, he broke down laughing and clutched onto his stomach; slamming his fist over and over at the table. Hosuh joined in again at laughing with Stephen, the room was filled with a warm and happy vibe is so soothing for the both males. Both smiling, Stephen let out a happy sigh then suddenly feeling a vibrate on his pocket; pulling it out, he opened his phone to see a notif from someone.

He combed his messy mohawk back and moved back his gaze at Hosuh, flashing an absolute killer smile at him and speaking.

" Well, a friend of mine is searching for me in the campus. Be seeing you later? "

Hosuh nodded, a pink tint bloomed at his cheeks was a big give away; but Stephen shrugged it off, probably tired after laughing for how many minutes made Hosuh's cheeks flush. He stood up, taking a few steps towards Hosuh and holding a hand out; Hosuh took it nicely, shaking it lightly and holding a firm grip on Stephen's hand. Both of them stayed there, still holding hands too long to the point that Stephen could see that Hosuh's hand is small.

Stephen stared at Hosuh, almost mesmerized by his baby blue eyes; as it was as beautiful as the soft color of the ocean.

,,Before Hosuh's coughed and sheepishly smiled at Stephen.

" Stephen uh,, I think we should let go now. "

Snapping back to reality, Stephen hastily pulled away from Hosuh's grip; sheepishly smiling as well.

" Right, right! I'll be going now, see you Hosuh. "

Running off, he left the dorm room and leaving Hosuh all by himself in the kitchen; looking down at his hand and cracking a small smile.

" I'll be seeing you too. "

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