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Zeno turned the sheath in his hands yet again. The sheath itself was beautifully crafted with an orange base along with golden details making a dragon over it in smooth lines. Zeno would probably re-use it with his Nichirin sword when he gets one.

The sword old man Gou had crafted for Zeno resided in the sheath, snug and perfectly molded to have a better chance of actually killing demons than the normal swords that leave the demons alive but decapitated. Buy the sword was no Nichirin blade and even if he has a better chance of killing demons it wasn't completely assured.

Not that it bothered Zeno, he has trust in old man Gou's skills.

He should really stop fiddling with the sheath, but nervous habits. His usual happy go lucky personality doesn't fit nervous ticks though. So instead he stops and widens his smile along with swinging his arms on his sides as he looks around curiously.

Most applicants are well over 18. Zeno stands out like a sore thumb and concerned looks are thrown towards him every minute. There had been at least 5 well meaning adults asking what such a young boy doing here and getting shocked when he replied he's here for the election.

The most concerned and persistent adult had been this brown haired and eyed lady in a purple kimono. She was quite adamant about him being a child and as such not belonging here and making assurances that she will guide him out of here. Zeno is sure she was well meaning but it got kind of annoying. Even now she was still sending worried teary eyed glances at him every minute.

Zeno wasn't worried. Why? Because Zeno's father told him not to worry, that he was definitely stronger than everybody else entering. His father said he was around the level of a very high mizunoe, the second lowest rank. Which is already much higher than people trying to pass the final election.

Suddenly someone starts speaking and Zeno pays careful attention. He listens to the rules the two Kinoto level demon slayers tell them, and then suddenly it's time to enter the mountain top where there are no more wisteria.

He smiles as people start streaming upwards towards what was essentially a deathtrap for many of these people.

Zeno wills himself not to worry and enters.

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