002- childhood sweethearts

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Hi hi c:

"Yoongi! Over here" NamJoon shouted over the rowdy cafeteria towards a lost-looking Yoongi. The latter glanced to the sound of his voice and smiled.

He walked towards the couple, already feeling like a third wheel when he saw them giggling with each other.

"Ugh, no offence but I don't like being a third wheel" he grimaced at the way Jin fed NamJoon like he was the absolute softest thing in the world. And he was, but Yoongi wasn't going to admit that.

"Shush, I want you to meet a very special somebody today" Jin smiled softly. Yoongi nodded and began eating his sandwich. A sudden yell was heard from the entrance of the cafeteria, and there, standing in all his glory was the red head from the main office.

"Who the fuck told you to snitch?! I'll make your life hell" the male grabbed a shorter boys collar and pushed him against the table.

"Sorry, I-I didn't mean-

"Shut the fuck up!" Yoongi turned his gaze towards the couple who occupied themselves in their own buisness. They seemed completely unbothered.

"Are yous just going to sit there?" He asked them. Jin simply sighed and nudged NamJoon to explain.

"You see, Hoseok doesn't exactly listen to us when we interfere with his business, you know what I mean?" NamJoon gave a
half-assed excuse, turning back to the book he was reading.

Yoongi watched the scene unfold, along with the other students that were in the room.

"I'll make your family bankrupt with a snap of a finger, your father works under my company, am I right?" Hoseok said, pushing him further.

"Please! I'll do anything, just please don't fire my father" the poor boy said with a hint of begging in his tone.

"Anything Hmm?" Hoseok smirked, grabbing a piece of meat from the tray and holding it against his mouth. "Eat this and you're off the hook".

"I-I'm a vegan, please don't-

"I said eat it!" He shouted, making everyone except Yoongi flinch. The older merely stood up and walked across, surprising everyone as he lifted the poor boy from the ground.

Hoseok flicked his gaze up to the person, surprised to see the boy with cat eyes. He clenched his fists when he saw him helping the younger male.

"What do you think you're doing?" The boy, suho asked with a hushed whisper. "He'll ruin your life too, just please, save yourself before its too late".

"Come on let's go" Yoongi held his shoulders, shoving past everyone in the cafeteria. Hoseok, still stunned, snapped out of his daze.

"Ahh, you must be new around here" Hoseok said with a tight lipped smile. "You see, around here, people don't-

"Save the talk, I don't need it" Yoongi rolled his eyes. He grabbed his wallet out and threw a couple of bills at Hoseok's face, always wanting to do that after watching Kdramas in his spare time.


"It's money you desire, there, now leave him alone" Yoongi snapped. The whole cafeteria gasped, some even fan-girling at the new boy.

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