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When Lili woke up she felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Only one thing rang through her mind; call Cole. She grabbed her phone off her nightstand and went to Cole's contact. Her finger hovered above the call button before going for it. A sleepy Cole answered.

"Hey Lils."

"Hi Coley. Did I wake you? If I did I'm sorry I can call back later. Or if you're busy I can too. Oh my god maybe I shouldn't have called, I'm sorry! I-I just really needed to hear your voice." She rambled into the phone causing Cole to emit a light chuckle.

"Its fine, relax. I missed you last night." He said as he got into his car. "Do you need me to come pick you up, we need to be at set in like 15 minutes." He started the engine.

"WHAT? Shit, I overslept! I need to go, I'll see you there okay?" She scrambled out of bed and hung up the phone as she pulled on one of Coles oversized sweatshirts as well as a pair of shorts and rushed out the door.


"Sorry I'm late guys!" Lili called out as she entered the room. Taking her seat next to Cole, she immediately grabbed his hand under the table, anxiously playing with his fingers He gave her a strange look at first but brushed it off. "You alright Lils, you're never late." Cami told her looking over her friend. "Hm? Oh yeah i'm fine." She lied as they started the table read.

Afterwards both Lili and cole went back to coles trailer. "Are you feeling okay Lili, you've been acting lightly strange this morning." He brushed through his girlfriend's hair as they spoke. "My anxiety is just rocketing. Being with you makes it better though." She let out a sigh. "Oh babe, you should've told me! Sit down." He handed her a cold glass of water and massaged her shoulders, trying to rid them of their tensity.

"Is that better?" he asked her to which she gave a soft moan in response. "I've got a scene to film but if you need anything, let me know." They both stood up. "Yeah, me too." they walked out hand in hand until the had to part ways.


Lili was filming a scene with madeline and it was her turn to say something when he mind went blank. "Um...uh.." she mumbled trying to remember. She started swaying when madelaine too broke out of character. "Lili, what's wrong?"she looked at her best friend. "I um I" she got out before fainting. Öh my god, someone get cole!" Mads yelled sitting down next to her.

The minute cole got word about his girl passing out he sprinted to where she was, crouching down next to her. "Lili, hey baby, can you hear me?" he tried shaking her awake but it was no use. "Roberto, can i take her home?" At the nod of the director he lifted her up and walked towards his car, placing her in the passenger seat.

They were halfway to Coles apartment when she stirred awake. "C-Cole? What happened?"she rubbed her eyes and took in her surroundings. "You fainted babe. Why didn't you tell me you felt so bad?"an immediate pang of guilt hit Lili unexpectedly and her eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry." she muttered not meeting his eyes. "Hey, no. I didn't mean it like that. Next time let me know okay?"


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