Chapter 12

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The day Milan Willis asked help, from Mike Staggers, was the very day he shook hands with the devil.
A devil, who was furtively hatching ways and means, to rob Milan's daughter, of her youthly innocence, by feeding on her desperate dad's folly.

Well, in a world, where money 'speaks',not much good, can be expected.

Staggers was rich, in all ramifications. So rich, he could feed the whole townsfolk and beyond, if he so wished! Of course
, he wasn't going to let them suckle on his money, like leeches.

What he wouldn't mind, spending some cash on, was women! Oh yes.. His unattractive wife, caused him no stir, at all.
Oh.. She didn't.
Girls, like young Dea, and Jade made his hair, stand straight, and his loins, hot..
"Fire-blooded, young women, to grace his bed with..

He'd earlier offered to bed, Madam Lort's pretty daughter(Dea),and after recklessly showering the older woman, with gifts and expensive stuff, she declined.. Calling him bluff..
Remnants, of that encounter, drove him wild.. "He'd teach her, not to mess with a Staggers!The old witty, hag.. He'd always mutter, under his breath, when teased by nosy folks, who managed to find out, he'd interest in the young, girl..

Of course, he would try his luck, elsewhere.. Who knows? The fish, might just decide to come ashore!

"Your daughter Jade, can save your company Milan.. I want her as a wife! Choice is yours, my friend.
Staggers,was indeed determined to use his money as bait, gently grabbing both Milan and Jade into his twisted, sick net of lust.

Milan replayed the scene in his mind, over and over.. Gently rubbing his ale-glazed eyes, so as to think clearly.
Gains&Assets company,is a treasure, he wouldn't want to lose ever..
His daughter Jade, a rare gem he loved indepthly, no matter how outrageously, he treated her and Kerry.
Inwardly, Milan knew he adored his two kids, but gin and anger, never gave room, to any reasoning on his part.

Hmmm.... The company could always serve, as a means of survival, for the children, when he's away.. Should he forfeit the chance, of saving it, at the expense of his daughter's pride, and happiness??

Sitting upright, with both hands, clssping his jaw, Milan called out to Jade..
"Jade!!?... * * ****

**pls do like, vote and comment, lemme know what you think❤sharing won't be bad, as well. 🙏 thanks for reading ❤
Watch out for chapter 13💃

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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