Chapter 19 Kaidyn

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Two weeks have passed, and I haven't heard from Daniel. No text, call, or email, so I figured he was still upset. I couldn't wrap my mind around why I didn't leave on a good note. The entire weekend was prefect, until the end, and it bothered me.

"Damn shorty, easy!" Raubi complained, reaching for my hand.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I pulled away from his leg, realizing that I had been too rough.

"It's cool. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing, let's get you up." I reached to help him, but he declined, rising on his own and grabbing his crutches.

"What's good? You seem distracted..."

"Really, it's nothing. I haven't had any rest, so I'm a little exhausted. You're really improving, Raubi. You'll be back on the field in no time."

"Damn, for real?"

"Yes, I'm sure your girlfriend will be happy, seeing how concerned she was and all." I joked, leaning against the table.

"Very funny."

His face turned serious, giving me a cold stare. I was happy we had diverted the attention away from me, and I planned on keeping him out of my personal life.

"I'm sorry. Are you two having problems?"

"Nah. It's over."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's all good. She was money hungry anyway."

"Really?" I smirked, with sarcasm dripping from my tone.

"You know, one day your smart comments gonna get you in trouble."

"Are you sure you don't want to tag along?"

"I'm fine, I'm just going to watch a few movies." I smiled at Sabrina, who was going out on her date. I didn't want to be a third wheel, and I knew I would only get in the way.

"Alright, suit yourself."

In the midst of watching movies, I couldn't help but to think of Daniel. The mixture of alcohol and memories, became a huge influence on my mind. I could feel myself growing hornier, as I slid my panties down and crept my fingers between my thighs. I relaxed against the mattress and tried sliding a finger. Growing irritated of not finding the feeling I longed for, I rose from the bed and finished off the drink. I snatched my cell phone from the nightstand and smiled. Spreading my legs, I snapped a picture of my wetness and sent it to Daniel. It seemed like reality hit me, after the message was delivered, because I began to sweat from nervousness. Slapping my forehead, I cursed myself and turned my cell phone off. What was I thinking?

The next morning, I woke up with a terrible headache. Sabrina gave me a few pills, and suggested that I stay home. She though that I may have been overworking myself, but I knew it was from the liquor the night before. Rolling over and checking my phone, I noticed that Daniel never replied to my text message. Embarrassment built inside of me, causing me to scream.

The entire week was a drag for me. Since Raubi was healing, his stretches and workouts were becoming more strenuous. "What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" Sabrina asked, as we drove home.

"Oh, it's this weekend?" I pretended to be unaware. Truthfully, it was bugging me the whole week. Since Daniel and I weren't on speaking terms, I didn't even expect a call.

"You didn't know it was this weekend, Kaidyn?"

"I guess it slipped my mind." I shrugged, hoping she would change the subject.

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