Chapter 29 Kaidyn

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I yanked away from Jahleel's grip, adjusting my shirt and stepping back. "You need to keep your hands to yourself!"

"A'ight... no problem."

"What do you want? Waiting outside of my apartment like some stalker!"

"I'ma let that comment slide, since I'm in a good mood."

"You shouldn't, I meant to offend you. Didn't you offend everyone that night? Fucking asshole! I just don't know who you've become over the years. Maybe the money and drugs have gotten to your head!"

"Nah, nothing like that. I'm here trying to apologize to you, and you're chewing a nigga out."

"I'm not the only person you need to be apologizing to, Jahleel."

"I'm sorry... I was on some foul shit and I know I fucked up. You were the last person I wanted to hurt, and if I could take it back, I would."

"Thanks for the apology."

"Damn, that's all I get?"

"I hope you weren't expecting more..."

"I mean, a hug at least? I can't get that?"

Rolling my eyes, I pulled him into the most distant hug I could form, before he laughed. "I ain't trying nothing. You can give me more than that." He pulled me closer, closing the space.

"Okay, enough." I laughed, breaking away.

His eyes met mine, as we stepped away from each other. "A'ight Kay."

"Uh, Jahleel..." I reached for his arm, stopping his pace, before he turned to me. The awful pit in my stomach formed again, and my heart was rushing.

"What's up?"

"Did you and Jelly have sex? I would never get in your business like this, but I really need to know."

"Nah, she made sure we never went there. She ain't that type of woman."

I felt sick. Those were the last words I expected to hear, and it was possible, that she may have gotten pregnant by Daniel, before they were broken up. Jahleel seemed clueless, but it didn't take him long to catch on to my vibe.

"She's pregnant?"

"I don't know. See you some other time, Jah." I rushed away, searching through my purse for the keys, while heading to my apartment.


When I entered Coi's I noticed Sky sitting on the kitchen counter, while she fed her cake. "Not too much, Coi."

"Let her have some fun, Chan-Chan. This is her first piece."

"Yeah, and make it the last." I heard the bathroom toilet flush, before furrowing my eyebrows. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Ahyan. He came by to ask you about another presentation."

I was more than excited about the opportunity, and it was evident in my quick greeting, when he exited into the hallway. "Mr.Young, thank you so much!"

"I haven't even told you anything yet." He laughed, looking over to Coi, who shrugged her shoulders. "But, how soon do you think you'll be ready for another presentation? I've talked to three principals from different schools, and they're all interested."


Four knocks hit the front door, interjecting our conversation. I held my index finger, pausing my excitement to answer. When I saw Marcus on the other side, my smile dropped. "How did you-"

He only pushed his way inside, brushing past me roughly. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Coi, glared in my direction as I shut the door. Sky quickly turned to Marcus and reached for him with excitement. "Marcus!"

"Don't call daddy that, baby girl." He tapped her leg, before kissing her small lips. Noticing how much she missed her father embarrassed me. I didn't realize how selfish I was being until now, and I was too ashamed to even watch her hug him. Coi extended her hand to Marcus, with a huge smile, while he glanced down at it with cut eyes. "I'm Coi, Chantel's sister."

"I know who you are."

She quickly dropped the empty hand and stepped back. I knew Marcus was probably giving Coi the cold shoulder, because she had something to do with my disappearing act. I swallowed hard, when his eyes met mine.

"Ms.Taylor, is this a bad time?" Ahyan asked, sliding his hand into his pocket.


When Sabrina called me, explaining the awful prank Raubi had pulled before I left, I was lost for words. Hiring someone to pretend to be my mother, was an all time low. I actually trusted Raubi enough to share information about my lack of parents, and he used it against me for entertainment. "Thanks for letting me know, Sabrina." I ended the call, and took a deep breath, before hearing my locks turn in the distance. Daniel was the only person who had a key, and that meant it had to be him. I stepped out of the bed, and made my way toward the living room, to catch him tossing the keys down against the coffee table. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk about everything, try and figure some shit out."

"I don't even have the time or energy, Daniel."

"I don't have time either, so we can make it as quick as you want it."

"Huh? What are you saying? What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying we can end it here... Things between us ain't been working, shit they never work. Jelly is pregnant, and I'm thinking about raising the baby... with her. Being a family."

It felt like he was stabbing me in the heart repeatedly, and I couldn't stop him. I looked down at my feet, acknowledging the pain that I couldn't control. "So it's over? We're over?"

He was silent, and the only thing that could be heard was my sniffling. "Fine, leave me!"

I took a seat on the couch, before resting my face into my hands. Everything was going from bad to worse, and I couldn't keep it inside anymore.

I felt the couch shift, as Daniel took a seat beside me, stroking my back. "I came back for you, Daniel, and you're leaving me!" Sitting up, and looking him in the eyes, caused me to sob more. "You can't leave me like this! I want us to work, and I want to be with you! Please don't leave like this... I've lost everything else, and I just couldn't take it, if I lost you too! Please don't do this, I need you!" I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face against his chest. "I was supposed to have your first child, Daniel! You promised me! I won't leave you again, if you just take me back, please! I love you, please don't leave me!" My cry carried, until I was out of breath. He hugged me tightly, as I broke down completely, and unashamedly. "Please, don't do this to me! That was supposed to be my baby, Daniel! I'll do anything! Everything is bad for me, and I need you! Please, please don't leave me!"

"Tell me what's wrong, baby."

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