Pepperony; beauty and the beast

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Word count: 853

Warnings: This is a lot longer, so there will be more parts coming soon.

Summery: a beautiful girl who is disliked in her town because she is so smart and beautiful.

A man who is influenced on the inside is cursed- but with the love of the girl, leans to be beautiful once again.


Tony was extravagant. The parties he held were legendary, and he was the richest guy around. Everyone wanted to be with Tony Stark.

He was good looking, no one would disagree, but he was unlovable. Ruthless, heatless and vile. Women wanted him for his money and status, nothing more. He was a cold, merciless man- and someone needed to teach him the value of love.

At one of Tony's famous parties, there was a knock at the door, He quickly dismissed himself from a group of girls, and went to open the door. There stood a frail looking homeless woman. She knelt when he opened the door, "please sir, can you spare any change?"

Tony pitied the woman, but he was pulled out of that trance when he friend Rhodes called him from inside. He looked over his shoulder to see people watching him. He smiled at them and turned back to the woman, he laughed in her face and slammed the door. He turned around and was surrounded by girls in an instant. He was laughing with them and mocking the woman.

There was a harsher nock on the door a few minutes later, Tony tried to ignore it, but it was loud and shook the building. He sighed and swung open the tall, gold coated door. He groaned when he saw the woman again, " Can you spare any change?" she asked, almost daring him to say no. He smirked, "i'm sorry, but i've a party to get to, " and once again turned and slammed the door in her face.

That was it, she gave him a chance to act on his sympathy. Without warning, the glass above the grand doors shattered and fell to the floor. There the woman turned in her true form. She glowed, her beautiful golden hair falling down her shoulders. Beauty.

"I gave you a chance Prince Anthony, but it seems you are too far gone to be saved." And with a snap of her fingers, one by one, his friends around him turned to dust, Screaming and cringing in agony.

"stop! Please stop! " he begged, and as he had done to her, she had shown no mercy. Rhodes disappeared, then Steve, Natasha, Clint, Hill, Thor, and Bruce. Tony looked around, tears filling his eyes. He looked down at his own hands that had started to mutate. Fur started sprouting and it came up all of his arm, across his shoulders and down his stomach traveling all over his body.

From his fingers grew talons, and his arm started to change shape, ripping his suit. He screamed in pain as his whole body changed shape. From his head, a mane grew and his face was covered in brown fur. He screamed.

"Stop, Please stop!" He cried out. "please."

She didn't stop. Tony fell to the floor in agony. He took his new form, panting and sweating. He looked around him. His hands, his body. She didn't stop there. The castle was covered by a dark cloud, casting a perminant shadow over the property. The statues turned black and took weird forms of monsters, warning any living thing to run, run away from the horrors inside.

The roses outside died, everything blackened. The once gold door and ceilings, seemed to rot in seconds, mould creeping up the sides of the mansion. Tony watched in horror as his home deformed in front of his eyes. His childhood memory's seemed to fade as the colour did.

He watched in horror as the woman in front of him lowered to the ground, landing gracefully. She walked over to him, and handed him a rose. Her ocean blue eyes met with his dark brown orbs, and it seemed like she was searching for something. A genuine smile tugged at her lips, like she found something worth while.

"this rose, " she started. " will slowly lose its petals, and once it does you will stay in this form forever." she said.

"How do I stop it."

"you need someone to fall in love with you. And the spell will be broken after a true loves kiss. Your going to need help. " she waved her hand and a red glow erupted from them. Slowly the dust on the ground swirled in the wind created, and his friends took form- but not as themselves.

Bruce took the form of a grand clock, Rhodes was a candle stick, Nat was a wardrobe, Steve was a tall coat stand, Clint was a tea cup, as well as Sam, and Thor was a silver Sword.

"find true love before the last petal falls and you will all return to your true form, or else you will stay like this....Forever."

And with that the witch left, and Tony stood, a dark silhouette in the rotting mansion, and let out an almighty roar, echoing off of the hollow walls inside, traveling miles outside of the walls to a near by town, where the towns mad man heard and cowered in fear.

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