7 years

790 19 19

Please watch the video- it is the song this chapter was inspired by, and made me cry....

Word count: 2670

Requested by @JessieLaxton

summery: The rouges are back - and tony is breaking. They try to help - they try to help the team , they just don't know it was tony's breaking point.


This was it ... the end.

They never thought they would see it - but thanks to a very special genius, the rouge avengers were freed, and the accords were ripped up. So maybe this was the olive branch that would reunite the avengers for good.

The were allowed to stay in the compound- like before, but there was always someone missing. Tony spend as much time away from the others as he could. Despite his persistence to get hem back , he didn't want them there. He no longer felt safe with the people he used to call his friends.

He spent more time on the lab than usual. And it didn't stop the others from worrying about him.

And it was the people he used to call friends- that started the panic attacks again. Just seeing them all sitting in the same lace as he was sleeping , terrified him, to the extent he no longer slept - and if he did it was in the ab - while it was on lock down.

And in reality -the only time the others ever saw tony - was during missions. And even then he flew seperately in the suit, and never showed his face. He was like a host. And the most worrying thing - he never disobeyed any orders anymore.

- - - -

After a particularly  long, tiring mission - the team decided to have a karaoke night.  But they knew the shouldn't ... couldn't do it without tony. Tony was always the one who made the experience fun, with his witty comments and the only one with a true ability to actually sing. And they had to admit it - they ll loved hearing tony sing.

He didn't just sing either - he could lay many instumnets too. And Bucky, Sam, Scott and peter had never had the honour to hear him. So it was decided - they needed to get tony.

"okay ... so how should go down?" steve asked in his authoritive voice. He looked over everyone who all looked down. Even though it had ben months since they moved back in, no one felt like tony would trust them - should trust them, and they didn't really expect him too - he had already done so much.

Although tony never said or done anything to suggest he held a grudge with the team, they never saw him, making them feel uncomfortable in the compound and they didn't know how bad it would be to actually be in his presence again.

Nat looke up, determination lowing his her eyes, and she stood without saying a word and went down to the lab. It was obvious toyn was in there, with the shouting and general buzzing of his tools and machines. It was a noise not many of them ever had the pleasure of hearing - especially his laugh. She tried to steady hr breath before knocking loudly on the kab door, before shouting, " tony!"

he quickly opened th door, his hair a mess on top od his head, and oil over his face and hands. He looked at her and waited for her to talk. She gulped.

"we were going to have a karaoke nigh ... and knew it wouldn't be the same withut you. So ... "

"nat - im sorry im busy -"

"no." she said before gabbing his wrist and pulling him forward.  "you spend too much time in there - and don't say ou don't - because you do." she finished knowing what he was going to say. He opened his mouth to resist again but she cur him off. " if you don't come I'll call pepper."

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