Authors Note

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Hello all. I just wanted to say thank you for opening this book and giving it a chance. This book is the first of a new trilogy I'm working on, and I'm very proud of it.

You see, I struggle with depression, as does Emilia. It was easy to create a character with whom I can relate to, as much of what she goes through in her human life is what I went through or am currently going through. If you're reading this, you may feel the same, and I just want to tell you that you're loved ! We all are put here for a purpose ( trust me I have yet to find mines) and all of us is perfect in our very own ways. My messages are open if you need to vent , I won't judge you loves. Stay positive. Stay strong, and most importantly...stay alive ❤️


Elijah || Book One Of The Darkness TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now