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They snapped at me from behind as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I jumped over fallen logs and snatched down the branches that were low enough to swipe me in the face or chest. A low, malicious laugh sounded behind me, and I pushed my legs even faster.

" I still smell you Emilia "

I was running so fast I didn't have time to register where I was stepping, and ending up tumbling down a  steep hillside. Screaming, my fingers clawed desperately at the ground beneath me trying to find something to slow my fall. It didn't work. Nearing the bottom, I braced myself for the worst, and let out a pained groan as my body rolled onto a large rock. I layed there for a moment, only the sound of my heavy pants could be heard, and I contemplated just letting him find me. I'm gonna die either way. Might as well.


Pushing myself up, I shakily stood and then took off running again, not too sure where Im at nor where safety was.

"You couldn't of thought you could get away from me that easy did you?"

Right behind me now the voice said as a force knocked into me so hard I was sent flying into a tree. I whimpered and looked up, my eyes blurring from the tears that threatened to fall any minute now and watched as he approached me. A smirk etched across his features but somehow, he was too tall for me to see his eyes. He took a step closer and held a hand out to me, beckoning me almost.

"Ready to die?"



The harsh words of my Mother flooded into my ears as I woke up with a gasp. My eyes flew to the vanity in front of my bed and I immediately noticed the sweat caked on my forehead and the knots my hair was tangled into, probably from thrashing around.


"Coming!" I blurted out and scrambled to get out the bed. I noticed some blood on the sheets from last nights festivities and threw the comforter over them to conceal it. Nearing the stairs, I saw my Mother standing at the foot with her hands on her hips and an angry expression on her face. I sucked in a breath.

"Yes Mother ?" I asked sweetly.

"You have to be at school in exactly 45 minutes you dumb shit now go get dressed and get the fuck out of my house!" She screamed and I ducked as she threw an unknown object passed my head. Nodding, I headed back into my room and threw on a grey hoodie with some black pants, topping it off with some grey sneakers. I ran the water over my hair before running my fingers through it, and then grabbed my worn out bookbag. Making sure the hoodie sleeves weren't dragging across my newest cuts, I turned around and all but ran down the stairs.

"Wait a Second " My mother's boyfriend spoke behind me just as I reached the door. I internally panicked. Turning slowly, I saw him standing there with a sneer on his face.

"No kiss?" He laughed out and puckered his lips. I looked to my Mother for help, only to see she was nowhere in sight.  Sighing, I did as he asked. The fresh scent and taste of alcohol enveloped me as he wrapped his fingers through my hair and slipped his tongue in my mouth. I didn't respond, closing my eyes tight and praying he'd be done soon, only to receive a harsh slap to the face for not giving him the response he wanted.

"Such a slut. Now go. "

The sounds of his laughter echoed behind me as I closed the door and ran my entire way to school. First period had already started so I sat in the bathroom and waited for the arrival of second.

"Greetings Fairview High. I Know this is not the time morning announcements are made, but this is rather a sudden change. 6 new students will be attending the school come Lunch time, and I advise you treat them with sheer and utmost respect. Have a good day, and let second period begin"

Principle Effner spoke over the loud speaker, and I couldn't help but be the slightest bit curious. New students ? We hadn't had any since well, me. I wondered if they'd be bullied like I was for being new, or if they'd fit right in. The sound of students leaking out of the classrooms and into the hallway alerted me of the second period bell. I flushed the toilet even though I hadn't used it, and washed my hands. My curly hair had begun to stick up in every which way, and I pulled the grey hoodie over my head before reaching for the door.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Em" Samantha said as she helped me up from the floor. Samantha was my only friend this year. She'd found me in the act of self harm, and stopped me before it could get any worse. After that day she kept me pretty close, saying she wanted to keep an eye on me, but I figured it was just because she was lonely. I mumbled out an 'its okay' and dusted off my pants.

"You should really watch where you're going sometimes. Do you walk into doors alot ? Must be the depression. Speaking of depression, have you self harmed recently ? Feeling weak? Eating ? Is life worth living today ?"

She continued to ramble on, and I told her the lie I'd told her everyday for the past three months.

"I'm fine Sam. Really" giving her a small smile to add to my words, and she grinned triumphantly.

Leaving the bathroom, we headed down the hallway to the class at the end of the hall, and sat down at our seats. Students piled in after us and took there seats around or beside us, and soon every seat but two was taken. An old lady with glasses that seemed too big for her face and silver white hair came into the room and began writing her name on the board. I raised on eyebrow, looking at Sam who just shrugged in return.

"Good morning. My name is Mrs. Grigori, and I will be your teacher for the remainder of this year. As I read your names off this list please respond with a simple 'Here'. Alexander. "









"Here" I nodded and watched as she put a check mark by my name.

"Elijah && Christian"

The class glanced around confused. We didn't have anyone by that name in the class, and I would know.

"Elijah and Christian Orrick" the teacher read again and glanced up, a smile teasing her lips

"We don't have anyone by that name in this class old lady. Must be your glasses"

A boy from the back of the class spoke and the room erupted into giggles. I noticed the teachers lips twitch and she nodded her head, her eyes looking as if they held an inside joke.

"You're right. Must be the glasses. Excuse me"

I watched as she began to teach, her hands flipping through the pages of our textbook as we read in our heads. She seemed impatient, no. She seemed strange almost. I saw her mutter something under her breath and then watched in shock as the pages began to flip on their own. As if she felt my gaze, her head lifted and we locked eyes. A sinister grin spread across her wrinkled lips and she raised an eyebrow as if to say 'can I help you?' . I went back to reading.

After that school went by in a bit of a blur, and before long I was grabbing my bookbag out my locker and heading slowly towards my house. My body still screamed from last night , having to clean every single wall and every single surface of the three story house, but I shrugged it off.

"There's the little bitch. Clean up this house . Me and Erick are going out. Don't break anything. Don't eat anything. Clean and go to bed. I'll deal with you when I'm back home. "

My mother all but greeted as I stepped inside the house. I sighed and began to do as I was told. Another long night to end a long day.

Elijah || Book One Of The Darkness TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now