:: Two ::

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The next day I was exhausted. I hadn't slept at all, and my mother's moans and gasps could be heard from the bedroom walls even as I tried to drown them out.

When it came time for school I pulled on another grey hoodie, and black leggings. My hair was straightened as I became bored from lack of sleep, and I pulled on my shoes before slipping out of the house unnoticed.

"Hello class " Mrs. Grigori greeted in second period as we took our seats. Something was off today, I stirred in my seat.

"I know the Principle warned you of the new students, but two didn't show yesterday. Today they will be making their appearance in our class, treat them with respect. " She practically hissed out and the door opened slowly.

A male with sandy brown hair appeared in the doorway. His eyes an emerald green and his face incredibly handsome.

"Christian" Mrs. Grigori nodded to him. He nodded back.

"Grigori" he dropped the 'Mrs' from her name and Samantha nudged my arm, mouthing "he's cute". I laughed.

Christian turned his gaze to me then, a smug grin sliding across his lips as he stepped to the side. Allowing another male to come in.

His eyes were so brown they were almost black. His hair was a deep chocolate brown color. He had light stubble around his mouth and chin, and his face held a bored expression.

"Grigori" the boy, well man, greeted. And I watched out the corner of my eye as she visibly trembled.

" Elijah. Have a seat, class begun ten minutes ago" she seemed to snap out of it and turned back to the chalkboard. Christian sat between two females and they instantly swooned. I kept my eyes ahead of me as the chair to my right slid out from underneath the desk. Elijah sat down, and leaned back in his seat, crossing his hands on his lap and keeping the same bored expression on his face.

"Excuse me ? Mrs Grigori?" Sam questioned as she raised her hand.

"Not to be nosey but, what happened to Ms. Titus ? "

Grigori stiffened. I watched as her eyes darted to Christian, and then to Elijah, and I saw him shake his head no.

"She um, she got uh, sick . She won't be back"

That was a lie, and Samantha knew it. We all did.

"Ms. Titus was perfectly healthy the day before you came. She can't just g-"

"Maybe if you feel so curious you should ask the principle. I have no knowledge of where Ms. Titus went. Now back to work"

Elijah smirked, and I glanced at the clock just as the bell rang. Hurriedly, I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom. After relieving myself, I walked past the classroom and heard hushed whispers.

" Nobody is to know of Ms. Titus death. I advise you to watch your mouth and keep up your act. Don't draw attention, or else. " A male voiced warned. I neared the corner and strained to hear more.

"Y-yes Elijah. I hadn't expected that question, but I'll be sure it doesn't happen again. "

Elijah? Mrs. Grigori sounded completely terrified , and I turned around quickly before lowering my gaze to the ground and walking off. My body collided into something solid, and arms snaked around my waist to prevent me from falling.

"Lost?"  Someone asked from behind me, and I turned to meet....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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Elijah || Book One Of The Darkness TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now