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Glass crunched as black boots walked across it. A light dangled from the ceiling, hanging on by a seemingly small thread. It flickered on and off , illuminating the house before obscuring it.

The smell of burning flesh filled the street as a flame was tossed over one of the bodies who lay slain on the floor.

More footsteps sounded throughout the house, this time one of heels. A female with sleek black hair and glowing red eyes appeared at the foot of the stairs. Her mouth was stained in blood and it rain down her chin onto her lower neck.

"We must be going. No one is to know it was us who did this"

Her voice disturbed the silence and the male let out a frustrated hiss.

"The others ?" His British accent strong as he threw another match on yet another body.

"Drained and torn apart past recognize. As you wished"

He nodded, throwing her the pack of matches and gesturing to the stairs she'd descended from.

"Take care of them. I'll be outside"

The female nodded, heading back upstairs while the man walked over the small body of a child. His eyes skimmed the remainder of the house, and landed on a small slip of paper that'd been framed.

Summit Teaching Academy.

So this family held a teacher. How sad. He rounded the hallway and stepped out the front door, his company walking calmly out before him. She passed him a bottle of alcohol, before turning and chanting towards the house.

"Inscendia" she finished and turned her back, the house being engulfed in flames.

"Back to the coven?" Her eyes questioned along with her words as she neared the man before her. He shook his head, a humourless laugh slipping out his mouth.

"No. We have another mission. 6 of us will be carrying it out. "

The woman raised her eyebrows. The coven never sent out six assassins before.


"Now Tyra don't you think if I knew I would've included that in the details? All I know is that a girl is involved. The girl. " He said and gave her a pointed look. Understanding crossed her features and she nodded. The two beginning to walk through the dark streets.

"Alright, where to Elijah?"

The man, Elijah as she'd called him, pulled a disposable hand out his pocket. Dialing three digits and pressing it up to his ear.

"Town. But first- " he was interrupted.

"911 what's your emergency? " A female operator spoke on the other end of the line.

"I- I'd like to r-report a murder. The whole family has been slaughtered. Send someone quick!" Elijah stuttered out the line he'd practiced over the years and learned to perfect, before dropping the phone and crunching it with his feet.

The pair walked further down the street, nearing an alley , and was soon joined by four others.

"We found her Eli. She sleeps in a house on the outskirts of the town. Her family mistreats her and from the looks of it she has absolutely no idea what or who she is. She attends Fairview High"

A male with dark blonde hair spoke in a hushed whisper as he neared the pair with the other three. Elijah nodded.

"Then we will enroll ourselves in school. Protect her , but don't befriend her. She's dangerous afterall. We need her"

All five pairs of eyes lowered their heads in respect and understanding, and Elijah kept his eyes ahead as he walked. This girl was the key to everything. He'd find her, if it's the last thing he did.

Elijah || Book One Of The Darkness TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now