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Alicia's eyes darted between the State guards, and felt a subtle ripple of excitement wash over the gathering. Even though her gaze was cemented on Reene's emerald eyes, she sensed something, something important.

She turned to see him sauntering in from the entrance, a grand, crimson apple held in his palm like a prized jewel.

He strolled with the prowess of an archer, his dark, unruly hair danced with a carefree spirit, the golden crown atop playfully askew. A mischievous grin played on his lips, while his warm, youthful brown eyes mirrored the richness of his hair. His sculpted jawline hoisted his infectious smile high like a foundation, a hypnotizing lighthouse that bewitched anyone who met his gaze. He had not yet fallen to the affinity of Shai magic, evident in his still skin, no shadows clung to his form as well.

Alicia, like the others, lowered her head in a graceful bow. Her eyes, curious butterflies, fluttered back to the king. As if she were reading a well-worn book, knowing the ending before it arrived, she awaited his response. Perhaps he was to call me out for being a fraud?

Her mind latched on to a stray thought she had. She recalled the days she would spot the young king, dressed in a tunic and linen trousers, soliciting tales from the traveling merchants who hadn't a clue that they were talking to their ruler. She would indulge in whispers that danced on the wind, carrying tales of his escapades in the valley, where he reveled in the dirt among the miners and farmers. She often thought this to be a front that he held up, otherwise what powerful man would act in such ways?

Drom, an ever-playful soul, tossed the half-eaten apple to his spokesman. Harmel intercepted the fruit in mid-air with ease, scoffing afterward. The State guards held their bow, unsure of a response.

"Rise, my friends!" he said, "The weather is beautiful today, and I would hate to see you let it pass by with your eyes tethered to the ground." Drom's infectious grin widened as he approached the kneeling State guards, his outstretched hand a beacon of warmth. With a gentle handshake, he dispelled their expectations, one by one.

"In Arekin's name, I greet you," he said.

"By Arni's will, I welcome you," they answered.

Drom's interest shone in his eyes, Alicia could see it. He extended his hand with a warm smile as he approached the last State Guard at the end. "In Arekin's name, I greet you,"

"By Arni's will, I welcome you, sire" replied Reene, his grip fastening around Drom's hands as he struggled to put his thoughts together. Don't lose your cool now. Alicia thought.

"What is your name, lad," Drom asked.

"My name is Reene, sire,"

The touch sent a thrill through him. She detected a subtle eye roll from him, a clear sign of his disapproval. It was no secret that Harmel had always favored a more authoritative ruler, and he often made efforts to influence Drom's behavior. However, it had become evident to him that his attempts had been in vain, and he had come to accept that Drom was unchangeable.

"No need for reverence here brother. We reserve that to the gods. I am just as human as you are," Drom said with an easy grin. "Just call me Drom."

Reene smiled weakly, feeling a surge of relief. He had heard those words before, from someone he trusted. He glanced at Alicia, who forced a smile in response. Perhaps he was cementing an inside joke. It was a small comfort in this strange land, but Alicia was the wrong choice of friendship. How could she befriend another when she couldn't even get close to herself?

"Your Majesty, I am honored by your welcome!" Reene said.

"And how old are you, Reene?" Drom asked.

"Twenty-three, Your Majesty... I mean, Drom," Reene corrected himself, flustered.

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