Chapter 48- I was sorry

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I ran to Darry, "Who is it"?! He closed his eyes and a gentle tear rolled down cheek. By then I was screaming "WHO IS IT"?! He quietly replied "It is Johnny." I sobbed into my hand, "Where is he"?! Darry shook his head "I don't know." I dashed out of the room to the front desk "Where is Johnny. JOHNNY CADE"! The nurse glared at me "Only family can see him." I slammed my hands on the desk "Let me freaking see him now or I will kill you." The nurse went pale "Room 415." I nodded and ran to the elevator and got in. I clicked the button to arrive to the 4th floor. It was on the 3rd floor when the doors opened. John walked in and I put my fingers in my pocket to find the switchblade. He glared at me "Bitch, you blinded me permanently in one eye." I took the switchblade "Keep talking like that and I will gladly get rid of the other eye. And my face is the last face you'll see." John swung a punch and i ducked "Why do you keep  coming after me, why not any other SOC"? John calmed down "Because each time you walk away the more I want you." I kicked him in the shin "Well you will never get me ever again. You've ruined my life too many times." He collapsed on the floor of the elevator and I exited the elevator. I ran into room 415. There Johnny was sleeping. I carefully shook him and he opened his eyes. I hugged him but let go when he didn't hug me back. "Johnny are you okay." His mouth slowly opened "Can't move anything." I shreiked "Johnny are you paralyzed"?! His mouth opened once more "Yes. The stab wrecked my nerve system. Doc says I probably won't ever move again." I silently cried to avoid Johnny seeing me. "Johnny I am so sorry. I just wish I could've saved you." Johnny smiled but didn't answer. I ran my fingers over the scar on his face. "If you need anything Johnny, please let me know." Johnny closed his eyes and went back to sleep. I went back to Two-bit and Dally stopped me "How is he? The SOCS placed another rumble, is he good to fight"? I smacked his arm off him "Dally are you freakin insane. Another Rumble! JOHNNY IS PARALYZED EVERYWHERE EXCEPT HIS FACE. AND YOU WANT ANOTHER RUMBLE"?!? Dally backed off "I didn't know it was that bad, calm down." I replier angrily "exactly. You never know, you make the stupidest mistakes and thats why I am leaving." I walked out of the room and went to my car.

Dallys P.O.V-
Two-bit told me, "She is just in shock, don't listen to her." I shook my head "Naw, she's right, maybe it is better that I leave." I walked out of the building. I looked back once and told myself "Its for Johnny's own good." I got in my car and prepared for the long ride to New York.

(Y,N) P.O.V-
I ran back into the hospital. I had to tell Dally I was sorry.

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