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BROKEN MASK(trick or treat, freak part 2)

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(trick or treat, freak part 2)

     Ben Newby hadn't gone trick-or-treating since his mother passed away. So when he got in his costume and headed over to Max's house, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. Ben felt even more upset with the fact that his father was off being happy on Halloween with Joyce Byers and her family, getting Will all ready for trick-or-treating. That was supposed to be Ben. He couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. Ben tried not to think about that, shaking his head to rid his thoughts as he walked up the Hargrove's driveway and knocked twice on the front door.

A tall teenager with a curly blonde mullet opened the door, a cigarette dangling between his lips. Ben moved his Batman mask up to rest on top of his head and waved at the intimidating teen. The man glared at him, "We're not handing out candy. Go away." As he was about to shut the door, Max appeared and squeezed herself past the man and out the door, standing next to Ben. "I'm going trick-or-treating with Ben, I'll be back around eleven-ish." She said, not asking. Max turned on her heel and grabbed Ben by the arm to drag him quickly away from the house. The teen rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut, causing Ben to jump at the harshness.

Ben turned to Max, "He seems nice." The sarcasm elicited a chuckle from Max, who also rolled her eyes. "He's an asshole. That was my step-brother, Billy." She told Ben, who then nodded. "I see. I like your costume, by the way. Michael Myers?" Ben complimented Max's costume. Max brought the mask sitting on her head down over her face and held up the fake knife in her left hand, lunging at Ben in an attempt to fake stab him. The boy laughed and lightly pushed her away, making her laugh and pull the mask back up. "Thanks. I like the Batman costume." She said, returning the compliment.

Ben pulled his mask down, "What? This old thing?" he questioned, using his best Batman voice. Which wasn't good at all, but it made Max laugh.

The pair walked down the street to the first house, Ben instantly recognizing who it belonged to. He smiled and grabbed Max gently by the arm and ran up to the front door, dragging her along. "Hey, what's with the grabbing–" Max asked, but was cut off by Ben opening the door and letting themselves in. Max's eyes widened, "Uh, isn't this considered breaking and entering?"

Ben chuckled and shook his head. "Nothing looks broken to me." He nudged the red-head and cupped his hands around his mouth. "DYLAN!" He shouted throughout the seemingly empty house.

A tall brunette girl stumbled her way down the hallway, having trouble walking in the heels she was wearing. Her hair was done neatly in two space-buns and she had on a pretty white dress. The girl looked annoyed and angry at first, but when she set eyes on Ben, her expression softened. "Ben! What's up buddy?" The tall teen, who Max assumed was Dylan, shuffled over and swooped the shorter boy in for a hug. "Wow, heels make you way taller than you already are." Ben's pointed out, his voice sounding muffled from his face being squished against the girls shoulder. Dylan snorted, "Aw, you jealous you're still a short little baby?" she pulled away and fake pouted at Ben, who then stuck out his tongue.

✓   cold blooded,   mike wheeler ¹Where stories live. Discover now