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FEET OFF THE DASH( the spy part 1 )

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( the spy part 1 )

One minute Ben was seated safely in Joyce's car along with Mike and Will, and the next they were in the lab running down the long white eerie hallway following after Will as he was being wheeled away on a gurney, screaming in pain. Everything everyone was saying was going over Ben's head, it sounded like white noise to him. He was in too much shock to understand and fully grasp what was happening.

Ben's hand gripped onto Mike's as if his life had depended on it, he was in no doubt probably hurting the boy, and if he was Mike wasn't saying anything about it.

They had finally entered a room, Ben's head felt as if it were about to burst. Will was still screaming and thrashing around in pain as they laid him on a hospital bed, Joyce was crying in Bob's arms, and Mike and Ben were holding onto each other so tightly, both afraid to lose the other. The doctors were examining Will, Ben didn't understand what they were saying.

"Will? Where does it hurt?" One of the doctors asked. "All over," Will groaned a reply before sobbing in pain.

Another doctor said, "She says he feels like he's burning. Check for burns." The doctors managed to rip Will's shirt off, Ben grew confused at the fact that there were no burns visible on the pale boys body. "I don't see anything," a doctor pointed out.

"Where does it hurt the most, Will?" She asked again.

"Everywhere! Everywhere!" Will screamed out. Ben shoved his face into Mike's neck as a doctor injected Will with something as he continued screaming. His screams eventually died down and the injection started working, making him pass out.

Ben sobbed into Mike's neck, not daring to look over at Will again. Mike's arms hung loosely around Ben's waist, his teary eyes stayed on Will in shock and fear for his friend.


Dylan bobbed her head along to Hammer To Fall as it played softly through Steve's car radio. Queen was one of Dylan's favorite bands, and Hammer To Fall was her favorite song of theirs.

"Wait a sec. How big?" Steve asked for clarification. Dustin popped his head in between Dylan and Steve, using his hands to show the size of the lizard he had explained about to the two teens. "First it was like that," He said, making a small distance between his thumb and pointer finger, "Now he's like this," he finished, using his two hands to show the average size of an adult cat.

Dylan raised an eyebrow, "Woah," she mumbled. Steve glanced at her then glanced at the rearview mirror to look at Dustin, "I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"

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