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THE UPSIDE DOWN(will the wise part 1)

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(will the wise part 1)

The group had left the bathroom in search for Will. Mike and Ben had searched together and ended up finding him on the field outside of the school. He was stood still with his eyes closed, the look of him sent chills down Ben's spine. Mike ran over and started shaking Will's shoulders, Ben followed him and stood wide-eyed and frozen a few feet away from them, not understanding what was happening or what he was supposed to do.

Eventually, Joyce was seen running over with the rest of the group in tow, snapping Ben out of it. "Will!" Mike shouted to Will, then turned to Joyce with a panicked expression, "I just found him like this! I think he's having another episode!" he yelled. Everyone made it over to Will, Joyce grabbing his shoulders and shaking him, trying to get him out of the state he was in. "Will! Will! Will!" Joyce shouted repeatedly, "Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom! Will!"

Ben's hands started shaking, his anxiety getting higher and higher. He tried to focus on his breathing and look at the things around him to keep his mind busy. It was difficult, seeing as there was something horrible going on just a few feet away from him and he had no one to lean on and tell him everything was going to be okay. "Will, wake up! Can you hear me?"

Mike moved over next to Ben, his eyes never leaving Will. Mike nudged his hand against Ben's, a way of showing some comfort. Ben, in his state of anxiety and need for more comfort, linked his pinky with Mike's. The two said nothing, but stood there watching Will with their pinky's connected. "Will, please, just wake up. Please, wake up!" Joyce continued to scream, everyone watched in anticipation and unease. Lucas glanced around everyone, noticing they all had similar scared expressions. "It's Mom! It's me!"

Then, Will gasped, his eyes shooting open. Ben gasped at the same time, his pinky tightening around Mike's.

Eventually, Joyce ushered Will to the front of the school, everyone else followed. The walk was completely silent and everyone was still tense from the event that happened moments before. Everyone exited the school, the group watching Joyce and Will walk to their car. "Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max admitted, breaking the silence. She looked around at everyone, whose eyes were glued to Joyce and Will, "Did that not freak you guys out?" Max asked. Ben nodded, agreeing.

The other three ignored her question. "Two episodes in two days." Lucas stated. Mike nodded, "It's getting worse." Lucas looked to Mike, who was still looking at Will. "You think it's true sight?" Lucas' question confused both Max and Ben. "What's true sight?" Max asked Lucas. Lucas made eye contact with Mike, silently asking if he could tell her. Mike shook his head slowly, causing Lucas to sigh and turn to Max, "It's nothing."

The sound of a car engine starting drew everyone's attention to Joyce's car, watching it back out and drive away. Ben shivered, suddenly feeling extremely cold, he unlinked his pinky from Mike, not having noticed they were still linked. He then wrapped his arms around himself and cleared his throat. "I should go home..." Ben trailed off, wiping his nose on his jacket sleeve. He saw Mike nod out of the corner of his eye, "Me too. Wanna ride together?" he asked, to which Ben nodded and bounded down the stairs, Mike followed.

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