Chapter 5 - Chance encounter

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How should one react in a situation when one is caught bad-mouthing another?

Chen Ruo Yu did not have the experience. She stiffened and bravely said. "Mr. Li said he can see that Dr. Meng has achieved professional success and has a promising career."

"He has such good acumen, I'm falling in love with him." Meng Gu went over to Li Jian's side and sat down. Chen Ruo Yu really wanted to stroke her forehead*. (Expressing a helpless and distressed feeling)

Revenge......he is absolutely here to take revenge!

"My friend has left and I'm feeling lonely." Meng Gu smiled at Li Jian. His smile made Li Jian feel fear rising in his heart.

Does this mean he wants to start something with him? But he is not into this!

Li Jian stared at Chen Ruo Yu and visually pleaded for her help.

But Chen Ruo Yu herself was also a guilty party and she did not even dare to fart.

Meng Gu stared at Li Jian and continued to smile. His hands started to stroke Li Jian's thigh. "How shall I address Mr. Li?"

"Li......Li Jian."

"Ah Jian.....ah....." Meng Gu dragged on his last word which made Chen Ruo Yu's heart trembled. He called him 'Ah Jian......' Does he have to be so cheap?!

(Li Jian - the word 'Jian' means healthy and has the same pinyin as the word 'Cheap'. This is word-play. The Chinese characters of the two words are different.)

"Ah Jian......ah. What is your opinion of relationships between men?"

Goosebumps rose all over Li Jian and he did not care to respond. He quickly removed his legs away from Meng Gu. Meng Gu did not move towards him instead he put his hand gently on Li Jian's shoulder. "You don't have to be shy. As doctors, we have seen a lot and we are very broad-minded."

Chen Ruo Yu really could not stand it any longer and said. "Dr. Meng....."

Just as she opened her mouth, he glared at her. She quickly shrank and shut her mouth.

"Ah Jian, is it because you have little experience, so your curiosity is great?" What do these words mean? Li Jian shook his head desperately. He is not curious at all and he does not need to have this type of experience.

"Since you are not curious, then it must be your morality that is not good. Otherwise, how can you speak proudly without thinking, make reckless guesses, tarnish another person's character and start a slanderous rumor? Other people's sexual orientation, who they are with and what they do........what has it got to do with you?! If you feel empty, bored, lonely and unsettled, you can hide in your home and spend your time watching romance and action movies instead of coming out and have obscene thoughts of strangers. This will have a negative impact on social security. Even if you intend to come out and harm someone, you should take a look at yourself first in the mirror at home. You must prep yourself before you come out to meet people. Look at your dressing and the oil on your hair, it's so tasteless. Not to mention, with the face of a man approaching 40-plus and also sprouting acne. Coming for a blind date with this type of look, don't you think you are letting down this society?"

That long speech was spoken in one breath without deep thought or preparation. His voice tone had done a 180 degree turn from the tone he had used when he initially sat down which stunned Li Jian.

Chen Ruo Yu blushed and felt his words hit her like a slap on her face.

But the one that was injured the most was still Li Jian. He said. 'You, you......' for a long time and still he could not spit out any words. In front of Chen Ruo Yu, he could not fly into a rage due to this humiliation. The most important point is that after getting angry, he is not confident he will be a worthy opponent of Dr. Meng. When he saw Dr. Meng calm and full of confidence, he knew he was being suppressed.

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