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I will be following the show not manga cause I am not even close to that part. Please do not spoil anything. Also if you have not watch Season four of My hero academia yet then go on Hulu or something else. Thank you very much.

Name:  Mirai Y/n
Dad name: Mirai Sasaki
Mom name: Mirai Yama or Mirai Nikki( You call her the bitch who shall not be named)
Hair color: H/c
Hair length: H/l
Eye color: E/c
lip color: L/c
Nickname: N/n
Favorite color: F/c
Favorite food: F/f
Favorite anime: F/a
Least favorite food: L/f
Least favorite color:L/c

Quirk: Four eye

You can see into the future and past but only in your dreams. You can freeze, slow down or fast forward time.

Drawbacks: Massive headaches and nose bleed.

Quirk 2: Reaper
You have the powers of a reaper. You choose if someone lives or dies. You have a long blue scythe. You can make things decade with a touch of your hands but choice. You are also not affected by some people's quirk.

Drawbacks: If you get mad then your scythe will run red and you will go out of control until you kill the person you want to kill.

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