The News

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Being friends with Natasha Romanoff wasn't always easy. She was the type of woman that kept you on your toes and gave you a sense of adventure, even when you didn't want any kind of adventure to begin with. However, Carol Danvers had it figured out pretty well. She knew that Natasha would do something irrational when things didn't go her way. She knew how to calm her when she had murder on the mind. Carol had it all under control, or at least she thought she did.


"I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM! AFTER 3 YEARS OF MARRIAGE, HE WANTS TO JUST THROW IT ALL AWAY?! I WAITED FOR HIM! I TURNED DOWN THE OPPORTUNITY TO WORK IN A OTHER COUNTRY!" Natasha was walking around her home throwing her fists in the air and screaming like she was stabbed. "HE JUST...I...UGH!" The red haired woman kept walking around and eventually picked up a vase and threw it at a near by wall.

Carol, sitting very still on the couch, with eyes wide, kept watching Natasha pace. "'re going to run a trench into your carpet if you keep..." The look she got from her friend made her shut right up. 'Just keep to yourself. Let her throw a fit, she'll come down from her high off anger and she'll talk things out. Right? Right.' Natasha just found out that her husband of 3 years and 5 years of dating, Steve Rogers, wanted a divorce; and the first person she called was Carol. In Carols opinion it was totally a bad idea for Steve to divorce Natasha, considering that Natasha was the most attractive woman in the world and men and woman would line up to be with her, Carol included.

Natasha grabbed a small dish that was on the coffee table and threw it at the opposing wall and just screamed and eventually, she began to break down and cry. "What did I do? Why does he want to leave me? I broken? Not good enough? What did I do to him?" She turned and looked at her best friend who was patting the seat next to her. Taking a deep breath, Natasha walked over and curled up on the couch and into her best friends side. "Why doesn't he love me anymore?"

Carol felt her heart break as she heard these words escape Natashas mouth. It was her job to make sure that Natasha never felt this way, or to ever be hurt like this. She felt guilty for not protecting her before this happened, but all she could do now was protect her from herself. "Nat, he's a guy. He doesn't know how good he has it. He doesn't realize how perfect and amazing you are. Steve is a piece of trash for doing this to you. And no, you are not broken. You are absolutely perfect and way too good for him. Don't ever think less of yourself because, of some stupid man." Carol pulled Natasha in close to her and she stroked her hair gently while thinking of all the ways she could kill Steve.

Natasha laughed softly while closing her eyes. The touch of Carols fingers in her hair made her calm instantly. It was the only way she really would ever calm down, was someone playing with her hair. "Carol, do you think Steve is cheating?" Natasha sighed thinking about Steve cheating and the fact that it could very well be a possibility made her hate herself more.

Carol shook her head while tucking baby hairs behind Natashas ear. "No, I don't think he is. I think he just wasn't ready for the whole marriage thing. I'm not defending him in any way, but he never seemed to be the kind of guy that was willing to commit 110% to someone. When you guys were dating, he knew he had a way out and that was a breakup. Now, he probably feels trapped and is actively searching for a way out. I don't believe he intended on hurting you this way, but I also don't believe he really wanted to do it this way either." Carol looked down at the red head whose hair was just above her shoulders and the curls were starting to fall out from the days worth of wear and tear.

Natasha looked up and her eyes met Carols and she furrowed her brows. "What do you mean by that? Do you think someone else gave him this idea by serving me divorce papers?" Natasha moved out a bit and sat up, turning herself to look at Carol. Her eyes scanned her best friends face, taking note of how perfect her skin was, how sorrow and anger filled her eyes, how her dirty blonde shoulder length hair sat perfectly on her head. 'Damn, my best friend is pretty. How did I luck out with someone like her being my friend?'

Carol shrugged and pressed her lips together. "I'm not saying there's a person, but no offense to this, Steve isn't really that smart of a guy. I would have expected him to talk this out with you, maybe consider therapy, but never come to the immediate jump of getting divorce papers. Unless he's looking for a quick way out, I don't think he was alone in the thinking. I'm also not saying that another woman is invoked either, so don't jump to that conclusion, Romanoff." Carol narrowed her eyes before laughing while she watched Natasha roll her eyes.

"Well, whatever caused this thing, I want to know what he's thinking. I don't want to sign these papers yet. I want to talk to him, I want to know his thoughts. Is that wrong?" Natasha glanced over at the piles of broken ceramics and she sighed in annoyance. "Why didn't you stop me from throwing those?" She glanced back at Carol who had crossed her arms over her chest.

"I was going to, but you nearly gave me the glare of death; and no it's not wrong. I think you most definitely should talk to him about this." Carol stood up and reached for Natashas hand. "Come on, let's clean this up and go out for a few drinks. You need the distraction and talking to Steve right now, isn't the best idea either."

Natasha frowned and then took Carols hand, knowing damn well that her best friend had her best interests. But little did she know, that her best interests would soon create a complicated web and neither one of them were truly ready for the adventure that was about to begin.

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