Bruises, Cuts, and Hurt Feelings

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Carol sat at the table with no intentions on moving. She felt rage fill her body and she had the urge to fight. Slowly standing up, she placed down more than enough cash down on the table, and began to walk away; her strides were long and quick. Carol exited the restaurant and she made her way to the siding and leaned up against it, waiting for Steve to walk out.

Steve looked up at the sky and let out a sigh. He felt guilty for blaming Carol for the failing of his marriage to Natasha, but it was true. Besides, he didn't want to tell Natasha that he no longer loved her, not like how a husband should love a wife. He would always love her, but not in the way she needed to be loved.  Closing his eyes briefly, Steve felt a burden being lifted off his chest and he could finally breathe again. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he turned back to head into the restaurant. Originally he was going to have dinner with a friend, but after the conversation he had with Natasha, he was no longer hungry. As Steve made his way out, he turned to the left and began to walk, only to feel a hand grab his shoulder.

Carol, with a strong grip on Steves shoulder, turned him around and pushed him into the building. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO HER?!" Carol felt her anger grow more and more, her fists clenched tightly. "She left without saying a word, and might I add she looked hurt." Carol stalked over to Steve and grabbed him by the shirt. "You better start talking before I make you pay for what you did to her." Carol pushed Steve back into the wall, only to feel him push her back.

Steve watched the dirty blonde stumble back a bit, not expecting him to fight back. "It doesn't matter what I said to her, Carol. Our marriage is over and it's not going to ever get fixed. Not as long as you're in the picture." Steve walked over to Carol and lifted her up by her shirt before throwing her into a nearby tree, however Steve watched her elevate herself up in the air before even coming close to hitting it.

Carol laughed before putting herself back on the ground. "You really think you can hurt me?! Steve, we both know I'm much stronger than you are. So you better give it up on trying to physically harm me." Carol hissed as she walked closer to Steve, absorbing his energy. "What do you mean, as long as I'm in the picture? Are you blaming this on me?" Carol stepped back and she finally felt a sense of weakness. That was one of her most unspoken weaknesses, being told she was the reason for something going wrong; especially in her best friends life.

Steve smiled seeing Carols realization and he laughed in enjoyment. "I'm glad you realize that you are at fault here. You've wedged yourself in between Natasha and I. I let you do it while we were dating, and I let it slide a few months into the marriage because, I assumed you were just the lonely friend. I'm not dumb, Carol. I've seen how you look at her, I know that look far too well. You wedged yourself between us, with hopes that you would push me away and when I decided enough was enough, you would swoop in and take her off her feet. I'm right, aren't I?" Steve walked closer to Carol and grabbed her shirt and pushed her into the building and held her there.

Carol whimpered as she looked into Steves eyes. "No. No I don't, Steve. I'm just her friend, that's all I am. She's been there for me when I needed her most. I NEVER wanted this to happen to her. I NEVER wanted her to be aching like she is now. She deserves  forever happiness." As Carol studied Steves face she noticed not a sign of remorse and she suddenly got more angry. Carol pushed Steve away, hard, and he went stumbling backwards. Without a second thought, Carol pushed Steve down into the ground and she began to throw punches into his face. She didn't care if it was out of character for her, but she needed to get her anger out and it was being let out on him.

Steve hissed and tried pushing Carol off, but he was unable to move her off of him as she became much stronger than he. "Get...get off of me!" Steve finally found the strength and he lifted his hand and hit Carol square in the jaw, or at least he thought he did. He heard a scream and he felt something wet hit his hand. Steve looked up and he saw Carol holding her jaw and blood streaming down from her nose. "Carol..." But she was already off of him and shaking her head.

Taking a deep breath, Carol looked down at her one hand and it was all cut and bruised from hitting Steve. Looking back at him, she saw how beat up he was and she chuckled softly. "It's over. You broke my best friend and I kicked your ass. Don't ever come near her and I swear, you hurt her any more than you have now, I WILL end you." As Carol began to walk away, she glanced back at Steve and shook her head. She hated how right he was, but she was never going to let him know that. So, Carol continued her walk and she went in the direction of where she knew she'd be safe and that was her home.

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