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"Hey, Luna I'm going to the restroom I need a breather, be right back." City Girls ACT UP blares from the speakers as I walk away.

I rush to the restroom and shut the door behind me. I stand in front of the mirror and close my eyes, taking deep breaths. I hear the door open and close and when I open my eyes again, Nick is standing behind me.

"Nick, what are you doing?"

"I need to talk to you."

"There's nothing else to say" That's a lie, there's so much I still want to say to him, "Nick I'm done, I can't do this, just leave."

"Naomi, let me fix this."

"Why? Just so you can hurt me all over again?"

"No I won't-"

"Nick don't start." I move to walk past him but he blocks me and I slip on the bathroom mat.

Nick catches Naomi before she can fall. He holds her by her waist and looks her in the eye.

"Naomi, I'm serious. I wont ever, ever hurt you again just give me one shot, I'll prove it to you."

Naomi doesn't say anything, she looks down at the ground.

Nick lifts up her chin so that they're eye to eye again.

"One shot."

"One shot."

Naomi walks out of the bathroom and goes to find Brandon. She approaches him with a big smile on her face.

"Hey kid, whats got you all smiley?"

"Nick and I are back together."

The smirk on Brandon's face disappears. "What?"

"Nick and I worked it out, we're back together."

"What? Just like that ? I- Naomi he hurt you!"

"I know B, but we worked it out, I forgave him."

"So your just gonna keep giving him a chance to hurt you when there's somebody out there who could treat you so much better, somebody who would give you the world in a heartbeat, Naomi there's somebody out there who could treat you so much better than Nick ever has and you know it, why do you keep running back to him?"

Naomi steps back from Brandon with a hurt look on her face. "B, I told you this because I was happy about it, and because I thought you'd be happy for me, if there is someone out there who could treat me better than Nick, I don't care, because I'm not in love with them. I'm in love with Nick, I always have been, and I always will be."

"I am happy for you." Brandon isn't meeting Naomi's eye.

"I can't tell."

"Well I am, alright Naomi, I'm happy for you, you and Nick made up, you're with the guy you're in love with, I am happy for you alright? I just don't wanna see you get hurt again."

"I won't."

Brandon sighs while looking at the ground. "Okay kid...Go tell Edwin, He'll be ecstatic."

The grin reappears on Naomi's face as she walks away.

Then she feels it.

One shot.

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