•~Chapter 9~•

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Jessica's heart stopped as she saw her mate fall to the ground limp. Screaming and growling was heard around her but she couldn't hear them, it was like the sound was coming through water. Strangled. Jessica felt dizzy and hot, it was a ringing noise in her head. Her mate just got shot with something.

Someone calling her name out loudly made her cut back into the real world. It was her brother. He snatched her arm and pulled her into him.

"JESSICA!" He screamed again, his eyes wide "Elves, Jess come on!" He tried pulling her but she gasped and just stood there.

"Elves.." she whispered to herself, she thought they went extinct. She thought an elf was just a made up thing.

Samantha. Jessica came to her senses and broke her brother's grip off her arm and ran straight to her mate. Samantha was just laying on the ground, she couldn't tell if she was breathing but she knew she was, she can feel it.

"SAMANTHA!" She screamed as she slides down besides Samantha, she flipped her over and pulled her closer to her. "Samantha.." she whispered as a tear ran down her pale face, she runs her fingers through Samantha's dirty blonde hair.

Something swished in front her face missing her by an inch. She blinked and looked at whatever it was that was shot to her. She frowns. An arrow? She looked up in the direction it came from, there in the woods high in a tree was a person wearing a cloth. In its hand was a bow and arrow. She couldn't see who it was due to it having on a hood that covered its face. She knew that she or he wasn't the only one of their kind in that tree.

She had to get her and Samantha out of there fast. She looked down at Samantha and carefully took out the needle that was shot in Samantha's neck. She threw it on the ground and stood up, she tries to get Samantha up but her brother pulls her back.

"NO, LET ME GO!" She screams at him hitting his arms that were strongly around her waist. He ignored the pain he was feeling and pulled her back. "No, no, no, SAMANTHA!" she called out shaking in his arms. She watched as she was slowly pulled away from her mate. The person she saw in the tree jumped down and ran towards Samantha's limp body and picked her up slinging her across their shoulder.

"STOP IT! PLEASE!" she screamed trying and trying to get out her brother's grip, he squeezes her tighter, a growl comes from Jessica as her wolf takes over and rips her from his grip.

Her wolf jumps in the air and shifts running towards the thing that was now running with her mate. She ran and ran following the thing, she heard her father's growl but her wolf kept going, the person was fast. Real fast. Her wolf was knocked over by her brother's wolf making them roll onto the ground. Her wolf cried out as the thing and her mate disappeared right in front of her inside a portal.

Her wolf let's her take control shifting back into her human form.

"No, no, no!" She cries, her body starts to shake, her heart squeezes in pain, breathing becomes a problem as she cries hard. "No.." she shakes her head "NO!" her and her wolf cry.

Her brother whimpers, he hates seeing his sister cry. He picks her up princess style and she wraps her arms around his neck putting her face in his chest and crying, she was soaking his shirt but she didn't care. Not at all. Her freaking mate was took from her right in her face. She disappeared.

Her mother came running up to her son and daughter. She frowns sadly as she watches her daughter shake and cry. Her and her son share a look. She just nods, he'll find out anyways. He frowns to himself but he pulls his sister closer whispering calming things to her. He knows it won't help but he's hoping it will.

Jason comes up to them and frowns too, he pulls his crying mate into him. She started crying when she heard her daughter's broken cries. His own eyes start to gloss up but he doesn't allow tears to fall. He can already tell what Samantha is to his daughter by her cries, he isn't happy about it at all but he'll deal with that later. Right now his daughter comes first.

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