•~Chapter 21~• [lycans Pt.1]

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Incase some of you have forgotten what happened.

Enlightmemt from Chapter 18

"A calling is a warning basically," my mother's voice, Samritha's, makes us all turn to her as walks up to us. Cathy right besides her with Enia and Taylor behind them. "That warning is for all supernaturals.  The thing that was once a supernatural being is now against us. The "BloodWinders". They are creatures that once tried to harm the human race. They broke the supernaturals number one rule. Never interfere with human beings. They do not live on Earth, they are on a planet called 'Nectinline' where all those who break the severe rules go. They are trying to challenge us, that's why us witches and Dragons have come together to try and stop them. We'll more than likely need help from more supernaturals but we have time until the battle begins. 6 months at most."


[ Jessica's Pov ]

"Samantha," I moan as she sucks my soft spot on my neck.

It's been two weeks of us straight up practicing. Kirsten, Samantha's best friend has been here to help, using the powers she has to fight against us. She is one of them. It's still shocking to me that they plan on "taking over the world."

"Jessica, please let me have you," Samantha pleads with a moan, she moves to hover over me.

"B-but, your mother said to be down there in-" her kissing me cuts me off making me lose sense of what I was saying.

God why does she have to do this knowing I can't resist her. Her body was hot against mine, both of our bodies were warm. It's going to stay like that until we do something about it. It always comes at the wrong time.

"Mmm," she moans grinding her lower body into mine, still clothed.

"Samantha we- we can't," I say mustering up all the strength I have to stop us.

"Shit," she aggressively says and moves off me like I shocked her or something.

That kinda hurt making me frown and sit up looking at her with sad eyes.

She's pacing in front of the bed, she sighs running a hand through her hair. Her brown eyes glance at mine, I guess she saw how hurt I was and comes to sit besides me but leaving space between us.

"Jess, I'm sorry it's just-" she sighs "it's hard to freaking resist you. I hate this mating season shit. I mean- I like it but it's physically hurting to not do anything to you," she reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

I jump a little as a shocking sensation spreads throughout my body from our touch. It's power almost making me moan. I see what she means.

"See," she says moving her hand from mine "um..maybe we shouldn't be by each other today or we'll end up doing it in front of everyone," she chuckles a little at the end.

I frown.

"We don't have to stay away from each other Sam," I tell her. It hurts just thinking about not touching her all today or talking to her.

"Jessica I just-" I grab her by her face and give her the softest kiss, I pull back and look into her pretty brown eyes.

"Babe, let's just try to ignore it for now. We do have work to do and your mother hates when we're late for practice," she rolls her eyes at my last statement.

"She's so strict," and Samrthia is strict but she does it for a reason, "well, come on."

She takes my hand and pulls me off the bed, on our way out the wooded door I put my Adidas on and fix myself up.

I wear short black shorts and a pink tank top, Samantha hates my choice of an outfit but I don't want to practice in heavy clothes. I'll get hot quick.

I look beside me and takes in Samantha's outfit. She has on light grey jogging pants and a light grey Calvin Klein sports bra, the imprint of her Calvin Klein underwear show above her pants.

I groan, she looks so hot. Her tan stomach is out and about for everyone to see. Her smooth tan stomach. A painful, but enjoyable feeling spreads in my stomch and I try to seem unfazed by it. It always comes when I get aroused.

We walk out the hotel that we were staying at and down the dirt road. Where the witches stay is more ancient looking.

We walk from the crowded part and over to our practice field. Everyone is there including the Dragon Queen. She has her two guards here who stand over to the side with their armor on.

"Look who decided to finally join us," Samritha says with her cold voice, I flinch a little. She can put up the most scariest front. Cathy shoots her a look but she ignores it.

"Sorry mother," Samantha apologies but with attitude.

Samritha glares her own brown eyes at her daughter's. They both have a stare off, communicating with their eyes until Samantha backs down and shifts her eyes elsewhere.

"Scared of your own mother," Lauren says with a smirk picking with her, Samantha shoots Lauren a glare but doesn't say anything. She's used to her messing her, they both do it to each other.

"Come on, let's start," Samritha demands. We get to work.


[ Third Person ]

Wolves, Witches, Dragon, and a BloodWinder all practice without a clue to what was to come to them.

Jessica was practicing against Kristen when loud piercing screams came from the city part of the witches home.

Their eyes widened and they all ran to see what was up. Samantha grabbed Jessica's hand to keep her close to her and both Smaritha and Enia did the same to their women. The dragon queen went close to Kristen but didn't let it seem like she was trying to protect her. She totally was.

Samantha's eyes widen at the huge beasts.

"Lycans.." She whispers in fright and disbelief.

[Picture of a Lycan]

[Picture of a Lycan]

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Hello readers, I'm back. Sorry for this short chapter but it is another part to it. I hope you're ready for the drama that is coming. Prepare yourselves for a lost.

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