•~Chapter 26~•

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It's sad how Jessica hasn't seen her mate in the past two days. The last event between them being that small argument. Samantha really didn't come back from where ever she went and Jessica is hurting.

Her wolf keeps howling in her head in pain and sorrow. They both miss their mates. They've tried reaching out to them through the mind bond but they get no response. It's almost like they blocked them from their connection with them.

Are Jessica and her wolf mad? Very. They are more upset though because they really miss the physical contact and the bubbly feeling that only their mate can give them.

Jessica is not worried because she knows Samantha is still over here with her and didn't go back to the pack house. She knows this because Queen Envy wasn't here to open the portal. She did bring both Lauren and Camila back over to help.

Lauren and Camila were shocked and sorry when they heard what happened. They both frowned when they saw Jessica's sore arms and paler skin. Camila actually cried while Lauren tried to hold her tears from everyone. She's not the one to cry in front of people but her girlfriend, just like Samantha.

Both elves were very sorry for not being here to actually help and maybe prevent Jessica from being taken. Jessica reassured them quickly that it wasn't their fault but they still felt upset for not being here. They had to go back home to help their Queens.

For the past two days Jessica and Camila have gotten closer. Camila is the reason that Jessica hasn't gone crazy without her mate. She gives her that company that she needs and an ear to talk into. Camila listens carefully to Jessica when she's telling her the pain that she had gone through and what that woman had done to her. She allows her shirt for Jessica to cry on and a shoulder to lean on. Camila is basically Jessica's best friend at the moment but more like a sister to her.

At the moment both girls are sat at the wooden table in the hunt's kitchen. Both with a glass of wine in their hands while they talk. It's going on the third day without Jessica seeing her mate and for Camila it's the first without seeing her girlfriend. Camila knows that Lauren is with Samantha though. She told her she'll try to get through to Samantha and see to why she isn't coming back to the hunt.

"I just want to know where she is you know?" Jessica says to Camila looking down into her glass at the red liquid, "Just so I know she's ok."

Camila reaches over and places her sun-kissed hand on top of Jessica's. She makes Jessica's eyes meet her brown. Jessica almost looks away from Camila's eyes as they are identical to her mates. They both have the most beautiful shade of brown that Jessica has ever seen.

"She's more than likely blowing off some steam Jess," Camila tells her, her eyes soft "Lauren has done this before," Camila retracts her hand from Jessica's back to her own glass. "It was the time when I was a low ranking Elf. Stage 2. Some elves that were stage 9 came and took me from my working area, they took me somewhere dark and..and um.." Camila pauses, she doesn't know if she should say this but she trusts Jessica. If Lauren even hears her talking about this she gets upset but covers that up with anger. She hates what happened to Camila.

Jessica sees Camila hesitate and quickly says "You do not have to talk about this, at all. I don't want you to be upset."

Camila looks up from her glass and gives Jessica a smile. It's small but it's still a smile. She tells her that she wants her to know this even though it's dark.

"The group that took me they- they beat me, like really bad," Jessica chokes back a sob, Camila, so innocent had this happen to her "Lauren at the time was just my best friend, when I tell you that she beat all of them up within minutes I mean..almost killed all of them. She was so mad, so angry with herself. Herself because she wasn't there to protect me. She wasn't there but I do not blame her. She still carries guilt around till this day but I always make sure she knows it's not her fault. Never was. I'm telling you this because when I was put into the ElfRoom, ER to you, I didn't see her for at least three days. She couldn't look at me, she- she beat herself up Jessica and that is actually what Samantha is doing."

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