The Ball

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5 Months Later

Angelica was sitting on her bed, the skirt of her pink gown spread completely out.  She felt like she was almost drowning in it. She was currently reading Common Sense for the hundredth time.  Trying to get as much of it read before they had to leave. There was a knock at her door.

"Angie?"  Eliza called quietly, opening the door.

"Yeah?"  Angelica responded, setting the pamphlet down.

"Can you help me with my dress?  The back is messed up and-"  

Angelica was already up helping her.  The baby blue dress complemented Eliza wonderfully, bringing out her eyes and her long brown hair looked wonderful laying on it.  Like a reversed waterfall

"Thank you, mom would have killed me if I went to the ball looking like a mess."

"Of course 'Liza.  Plus, whenever you or Peggy get in trouble I do too as result so I'm happy to help."

"You get in trouble too?"

"One of our parents always ends up lecturing me about how I need to be more responsible and need to help you both.  Cause I'm the oldest and therefore responsible for everything."


"There we go," Angelica mumbled as she finished fixing the dress.

"Thanks Angie." Eliza said, spinning around to face her older sister.

"Of course, now we should probably get downstairs before we both get scowled for taking too long."

Angelica was sitting by the door, Eliza and Peggy lined up after her.  Her mother and father sat opposite to them. She was staring out the window lost in thought.

"Angelica Schuyler are you listening to me?"  Her father snapped and she snapped out of it, quickly turning her head giving him her full attention.

"Yes father."

"What was I just saying?"

"That we must act with complete elegance.  This is a pristine event. Washington and his men will be there, we must make a good impression and keep a good name for ourselves."  She said smoothly. She hasn't been listening at all but it was the same lecture he gave them anytime they went to any event, she just added in the Washington part out of assumption.

Her father raised an eyebrow, "Right.  And try not to make any crazy statement no one asked for.  Just, try to be a lady tonight. Good etiquette"

"So don't speak any of my opinions?"

"If you're asked for it, sure.  But don't be rash."

Angelica lightly put her hand over her chest, "I would never be rash."  She said with fake softness in her voice. Eliza nudged her, telling her to cool it.  Thankfully the carriage came to a stop and the door opened so she was able to escape inside.

Peggy headed to the center of the ball room right away, spinning around, looking for men.  Angelica had walked to a back corner, though not before getting a small glass of wine. Eliza was making conversation with another women, both of them giggling and glancing at different men.  Angelica smiled lightly before leaning her head against the wall, sighing quietly.

The ballroom was beautiful, a huge crystal chandelier hung over them.  Glistening tiles on the floor. In the back of the room there were doors leading to a balcony.  Angelica took a sip of her wine before closing her eyes.

"-Angelica?  Angie Schuyler?"  She heard a man say, she opened her eyes to see a tall man only a little over a year older than her, smiling widely and she smiled back, setting her wine glass down.

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