See You Again

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A few weeks later

Angelica was getting ready to go out, and she wasn't having to sneak out this time.  Washington was back and her father is going to meet up with him. Alexander is back and will be with Washington... so Angelica and her sisters are going as well.

She was fixing her hair when she heard her father yell up that they need to go soon.  Angelica hummed to herself as she finished messing with her hair, glancing over at the many letters from Alexander.  They have been writing constantly to each other ever since he sent her the first letter. But, there was something different in his last letter... and she intended to ask him about it.

She walked downstairs and they all headed out to the carriage, arriving downtown where Washington and the few men- Alexander would be.

Angelica was the first out of the carriage and Washington and Alexander where practically right there.  Alex walked forward first, smiling widely. The rest of her family got out quickly after her.

Alex greeted her father first respectively and then her sisters, finally he turned to her and bent down, kissing her hand.  He then lead them to Washington, standing next to him. Her father and Washington started talking and they were free to walk off, so that's what Angelica and Alexander did.

"It's funny."  Alexander started, "We met once with the ball and I've missed you as if we were friends since childhood."

Angelica smiled and someone one walked up to them.  He had some poofy hair tied back in a ponytail-

"Angelica, meet Marquis De Lafayette, friend of mine.  Laf, Angelica"

"Pleazure to meet you Mademoiselle Schuyler."  He said with a decently thick french accent.

"Angelica is just fine.  Were you the one Alexander cut in front of to talk to me?"

Alexander rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Yez, I am.  Don't worry, there'z no hard feelings.  I beat Alexander to zomething elze firzt." (Don't you guys love my representation of Laf's French accent?)

"Laf-!"  Alex started to say.

"I juzt mean the pozition of commander."

"Based off of what I've been informed the reason he's not commander is because his writing skills are unmatched.  Washington can't afford to lose him."

Lafayette shrugged, "Perhaps."  He then walked off.

Alex shook his head slightly and looked at Angelica.

"Sorry about him."

"No, it's fine."

They stood there for a moment before Angelica broke the growing silence.

"I uh, I noticed something in the last letter you sent me."


"Yeah, you changed or misplaced the position of a comma and, well, it changed the meaning of the phrase.  You changed it from My Dearest Angelica, to My Dearest, Angelica."

Alexander chuckled, "I can tell you it wasn't a misplacement."

"Alex- I really like you.  I do. But my father-"

"Why do you care so much about what he thinks?"

"Because I have to.  I know you desperately want to have responsibility Alex but you don't know what it was like growing up hearing your one: Marry rich.  Marry well. Marry a person that will elevate the family. I grew up knowing I wasn't getting a choice in my husband."

"We could run away together.  We-"

"And do what?  I'll live on my own while you're off fighting a war where you may get killed?  And then what do I do?"

Alex grabbed her hands, "We can wait.  I can wait as long as I have to if it means being with you."

Angelica looked down, slowly starting to pull her hands away.  "My father is going to want me to marry soon." She said quietly.

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