04. | THE GIRL INSIDE by Brittany Dennis

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Written for every woman's own little girl inside

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Written for every woman's own little girl inside.

Hello little girl. I love your smile.

I haven't seen it in such a long while.

I love your hair, the way you care, they way your little heart you share.

Hello little girl. You've gotten bigger.

You've grown into that teenage figure.

Your heart's been broken. Cruel words were spoken.

Somebody else was chosen.

Hello little girl. You feel ashamed.

Old hurts and wrongs make you full of rage.

"This was wrong. This isn't right."

Don't let them fill you full of spite.

Hello little girl. You're all grown-up.

Too tired to deal with all that gossip.

You've been through hell and you survived.

It's time you remembered how to shine.

Hello little girl. Now you're a mother too.

And your little one looks just like you.

Don't be scared of how they're raised.

We all know that mistakes were made.

But you won't raise them as they treated you.

Because you see they are human too.

The child within, that little girl.

She's still there, that shining pearl.

Let her out, let her shine.

Let her teach them to be kind.

To play, to sing, to dance, feel joy.

Never let that be destroyed.

Hello little girl. I've ignored you for so long.

Won't you help me fix my wrongs?

I've grown old, and faded away.

Come back into my heart to stay.

I can't teach them if I don't remember how.

There's so many things I didn't allow.

I remember you, that little girl, inside of me.

I can still hear her. I can see.

You're the most precious thing of me...

You're the most precious thing of me

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BrittneyDennis is a married mother of three and a devoted bookworm and dreamer

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BrittneyDennis is a married mother of three and a devoted bookworm and dreamer. Thanks to Wattpad, she's now a writer. Brittney was raised in south-east Arkansas, and her backdrop is Bayou Bartholomew, some of her old stomping grounds.

 Brittney was raised in south-east Arkansas, and her backdrop is Bayou Bartholomew, some of her old stomping grounds

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Pink Dandelion Quarterly_Winter 2019Where stories live. Discover now