02. | LETTER from the Editor

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Winter 2019

Greetings, Chicklit-istas!

'Tis the season in the northern hemisphere when we turn our minds to all things warm and cozy: soft blankets, toasty flames crackling in the fireplace, snow falling outside windows, ice-skating in the park followed by hot cocoa, snuggling with our beloved pets or favorite people. Knitted caps and mittens. Frost on the windowpane. Holiday music. Cookies. The list goes on.

Winter is a study in contrasts--of cold and warmth, dark branches outlined against dazzling white snow, frosty air and steamy drinks. The season officially starts on the solstice, the 21st of December. On this shortest day of the year, we acknowledge the "dark moment" of the year's storyline which gives way to the new and, with it, a return of the light. This is an ancient story, one reflected in many religious traditions and customs. While not all the stories here mention Christmas, there are a few with a definite Yuletide theme.

In this our Winter 2019 issue, we played with the theme "Cold Days, Warm Hearts," putting out a submission call for romantic chick lit stories, and wow, did you deliver! The tales included here span such a wide variety of sub-genres, and I am delighted to say there is something here for just about everyone, starting with Athena Hernandez's contemporary chick lit, "Carried Away Holiday," the best short story I've read in print or on any platform this year. I don't say that lightly, and I'm honored that Athena allowed us to publish this delightful, comic tale of an ambitious young woman, a holiday decorating contest gone slightly haywire, and the promise of new love.

Other stories include a psychological thriller by WordsCassata; a new adult chick lit by Zuzanna Darkbloom (who also created covers for our first two issues); a fantasy story by Domi Sotto; stories from two Wattpad Stars--R.S.Kovatch and Olivia Vaughn; plus poetry, advice columns, and an author interview with Sue Rose Levy whose "Wattpad Letters" created such a craving for more that she's embarked on a prequel.

And so, my dears, wherever you are and however you celebrate the turning of this season, on behalf of the ChickLit_Nest writing group, I wish you a happy winter (or summer if you are in the southern hemisphere). May your hearts be warm, your muse inspired, your fingers tapping briskly on the keys, and your Wattpad shelves full of fabulous new stories to read in the coming year.




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Pink Dandelion Quarterly_Winter 2019Where stories live. Discover now