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The WINNER of our first flash fiction contest is @wordscassata with this psychological thriller/chick lit story--all wrapped up in 500 words or less

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The WINNER of our first flash fiction contest is @wordscassata with this psychological thriller/chick lit story--all wrapped up in 500 words or less.  Congrats, Words! 

Laura sifted through the file on her desk

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Laura sifted through the file on her desk. The papers were not in order or rather not in the order that she preferred. She was preparing for a case after a long break. A gap of 18 months was a long time in lawyer's life. It was almost like 18 months in an infant's life. In 18 months a baby can go from a toothless grin to a mouth full of teeth, a wobbly walk to a confident human trying to pull down a cookie jar from a shelf. But the time that had passed had the opposite effect on her. She felt less confident, unsure about her work and unfamiliar with this familiar surrounding.

After joining back with the firm, she had to learn the new amendments to the law and relearn everything that she had forgotten. But that did not deter her. She was still very young and had her whole life planned out. This small hurdle would not stop her from achieving what she wanted. However, Laura suspected there was someone who wanted to see her fail, and now that lady was sitting in a chair on the other side of the desk.

Laura stopped arranging the papers and glanced at her. She looked just like she did everyday, calm with a knowing smile. Laura wanted to ignore her but was finding it difficult to work with her sitting so close by. At least today she was not offering unwanted advice regarding the case, thought Laura.

Laura did not remember when she had come into her life but she knew it had been over 11 years. She still looked as young as she did all those years ago. Her hair was worn the same way everyday, her skin smooth and tanned like she was just back from a vacation.

She went back to arranging the papers but her guest's silence and constant stare was bothering her. She tried not to speak out loud, but finally when her mind could not handle it she slowly muttered under her breath, "Stop staring at me. This is a big break that I am getting, and I don't want to screw up."

"Laura," came a voice from the doorway.

Laura looked up to see her secretary standing there. Her immediate thoughts were hoping she had not heard her.

"Just came to check if you are ready," said the secretary.

"I am almost done. Just a couple more minutes," Laura managed to smile and reply.

After her secretary left, Laura looked at the unwelcome visitor. She wanted her to leave but nothing seemed to affect her. She was not a friend neither was she related to her. She could call her an acquaintance. But she had been with her when she graduated law school. She had been with her when she lost her first job. She had been with her when she got married and also when she got divorced two years ago.

Laura wanted her to go away and wished it would have been a real friend who would have been by her side all these years. A friend instead of an imaginary lady--a product of her overactive mind.

She had her old job back after being cleared by the doctors. After being in and out of hospital for a year and a half, she realized that while she could not control what she was seeing, she could control her actions, and that was how she'd learnt to ignore the lady in front of her. Not a day went by when she did not see her, but a year had gone by since she last talked to her.

Just as she tapped her file, ready to leave, her alarm went off reminding her that it was time for her medication.  

wordscassata is new to Wattpad and When Story Comes Alive is her first book here

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wordscassata is new to Wattpad and When Story Comes Alive is her first book here. She writes, "I would love to read comments, suggestions, recommendations or just about anything you may want to say to me."


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