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Chapter 1: Tawan

"It's now the morning of the tenth day, Tawan."

I am not responding with words to Senior Por, just a smile and a nod.

"Well... Tawan, are you free?"
Of course, I am free. This morning I rushed to my ward since 5 a.m. to finish my rounds, and then cleared my schedule just to make time for my dear Por. I give him another nod.

"Let's get some coffee, then. It's on me."

I nod again and lead him out to the lift lobby in front of the ward, then press the down button.

"So... Tawan, you know what I'm going to say today, right?"

I meet his eyes and he steps even closer to me, our noses were almost touching already when he asked. I turn my gaze elsewhere but nod slowly as an answer.

The moment has arrived, I guess.

An important moment of my life.

Well... Where should I start?

It's going to be quite a long story.

Let's start with telling you about the past between Por and I.


Por was a super hot senior from the Faculty of Dentistry back when I was attending medical school in university. Although we were in different faculties, our buildings were next to each other and the reputation of his handsomeness managed to circulate through to the Faculty of Medicine's building. He was a guy I had always viewed as being out of my league, so when I became a fourth year student and he graduated and left to serve his internship, I ceased to hope in ever standing beside him. I also heard a rumor that his boyfriend was a steward.

Right, that was when I completely gave up.

Several years later, it was my turn to graduate and start working as an intern. Although some people had come into my life, no one stayed long enough to establish a real relationship. Intern doctors have jam-packed schedule, I tell you. We start working before sunrise and leave the hospital after sunset. Also, when we're on watch duty, that means we have to pull an all-nighter before plowing through the day shift from dawn to dusk again.

This resulted in my three year internship being full to the brim with knowledge and intensive experiences in patient care, yet completely lacking the experience of love or any relationship. In my free time, I either ate or slept. Fortunately, the hospital soon established a "health park" where people could get some exercises, and I unintentionally benefited from it by getting dragged into exercising with friends. Otherwise, I might have become so roly-poly I had to roll around to see my patients.

After the three years of my intern life, I returned to the city to continue in specialty training. And this was where my timeline and this handsome senior's timeline connected again.


"Junior Tawan. Tawan!"


"Junior Tawan, do you remember me?"


"It's me, Senior Por, remember?"


"We both used to be welfare unit staff during the university's sport event, Canine and Syringe Games. Oh no, don't you recognize me? We were quite close, you used to hitch a ride on the passenger seat when I rode my bike in the campus, too."

I hurriedly nodded. It's not like I couldn't remember, I was just too flustered. Who wouldn't be? He recognized me. It should have been me who asked whether he still remembered.

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