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Chapter 7: Tawan

"Dr. Tawan, Dr. Tawan! Do you know wassup with Dr. Nadia? He's been looking gloomy and quiet these past two days."

The same barista guy asks when I pick up my coffee.

If you want to know, just ask him directly. Why must you ask me? I look behind me, Nadia is sitting at the table with his head hung low. Right, he really seems gloomy. It's just two days after his heart has been broken, it's impossible to be cheerful.

"He's heartbroken."

I give him a short reply. It's not that I am against talking about my friend's personal matters, I'm just lazy. And like I told you, this early in the morning, my brain isn't awake yet, so I can only communicate in brief sentences.

"Ah, heartbroken, is that so?"

The barista nods in acknowledgement. His name badge "Mayom" catches my attention. Ah, that's odd. A man named Mayom?

Wait, what... I've never seen these baristas using name badges before. Where did it come from?

"Hey, mister. Why are you wearing a name badge today? Normally I don't see one."

"Ahh, it's the company's new policy. So that our customers get to know the baristas' names, and can easily recognize their favorite barista. We see each other on a regular basis, better get acquainted."

"This, does it read Ma-yom?"

"Yes, doctor. My name is Ma-yom. Oh, wait a sec, doc." He turns around to put a piece of oatmeal and raisin soft-baked cookie on a plate, and hands it to me. "Pass this to Dr. Nadia, please. It's on me, a consolation for the heartbroken doctor."

I squint my eyes at him.

"Meh, why don't you deliver it yourself?"

"Awww, I can't, doc. I need to prepare the orders for other customers. I'm so busy at work now."

I look around the shop. There's only me at the counter and zero customer in the order or pick up line. All customers are already seated.

"Think you're slick, huh? Mr. Mayom." I chuckle and continue in a devious and knowing voice. "Hey, if you like him, make a move. Don't rely on a middleman like me. We're all grownups, not teenagers with puppy love. They say a broken heart is easy to steal. Don't you want to try?"

He shakes his head and insists I take the plate.

"I'd rather not, doctor. I'll be a gentleman and not be an opportunist."

"Okay, up to you. And don't complain later for missing an opportunity."

I take the cookie from him. Actually, I didn't mean what I said. When people fall in love and want to make a move, any day will do. There's no need to wait to seize the chance when the person is heartbroken.

I set the cookie plate on the table, along with a cup of Latte, more sweetened, from my best friend's order.

"Here, your damn coffee. And this, soft-baked cookie. Mr. Mayom sent it to console you for being heartbroken."

Nadia looks up from his cellphone.

"Wait, who is Mayom?"

"That's Mr. Barista, silly. His name is Mayom."

"Oh? Is it? I never knew."

Nadia downs half of his coffee in one chug, as if quenching his thirst by drinking some water. I take a sip from my cup and it's damn hot. His cup should be similar. How could this bitchy friend of mine drink his coffee at such speed?

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