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Chapter 10: Mork

Don't mistake it for my original idea.

I mean, that Hainanese chicken rice full of hearts.

I copied someone else's homework.

Well, actually, the idea wasn't from just a random someone, but my own uncle. I adapted his idea to create my own version of hearty chicken rice. He used to tell me the story of when he started to realize fell for younger uncle. Hainanese chicken rice was how he conveyed his love.

If I'm going to tell you about it, I'll have to begin from this morning, after Tawan told me he was going to secure the queue for us.


"Mork." Uncle poked me on a shoulder. "Are you...alright? You're spacing out."

I shot him a look from the side of my eyes. "Ah, you, too? Why'd you ask me the same question younger uncle did? What's up?"

"You're acting all weird." Uncle told me.

"How so?" I wondered what's wrong with uncle and younger uncle. They were strangely nagging. Just stop already, I thought, I'm busy worrying about the tiny doctor dude.

"Heh, you're acting like me...when I started to have feelings for your younger uncle."

Uncle's comment made me jump, and I stared at him.

"What the heck? No! Uncle, I'm not into guys."

"Easy there, Mork." Uncle laughed. "I only said you were acting like me when I started liking your younger uncle. I didn't say you like the doctor."

"I know. But those mean the same thing, uncle." I looked into the direction he disappeared into again. He wasn't back yet, so I sat down heavily beside my uncle, giving those old men the side-eye while they both stared at me as one.

"Why are you staring?"

"Nothinggggg." Younger uncle laughed while shaking his head.

"You really are acting like him when he started liking me."

"Bah! You're talking as if you knew what was going on back then. Seriously, were you even aware of it?" Uncle refuted, making his partner whip a glare at him. "It was so obvious, one must be blind to not notice it!"

"Eh? If it was so obvious to you, why the heck didn't you acknowledge it at all?"

"Hah, I wanted to know what you would do next if I acted clueless."

"Bullshit. You didn't notice anything. It was just pure luckม only because I was sick that day." Uncle argued, poking younger uncle's forehead with a finger. "If it weren't because you had to get the food on your own, you wouldn't have discovered shit."

Younger uncle shrugged. "That was when I became damn sure about it. I already knew shit earlier. The day when I bought food only served to prove to me that you really liked me."

"Wait, wait. Stop! Both of you." I put my hands up to shush them.

"Don't just ramble on and on with things that only you guys can understand. I'm here. I'm sitting right here! I want to know the damn story, too. What happened? What about buying food? Why all the fuss? Uncle, tell me. I want to freaking know!"

That was partly to deflect their attention away from grilling me about the doctor. But I was also really curious about how it went when my uncle and younger uncle started going out. I've been living with them for a long time and I've known them since I was a kid, but I never asked about this and they never told.

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