Chapter 5

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I sighed as Anthea came my way, waving at me. I want to talk to her about Blue but somehow I'm still scared of what can happen. I looked at the confused bitty in my pocket then sighed again.

"Yo, Caro ! What aren't answering me ?" Said Anthea as she popped in front of me, making me jump in surprise.

"Uhhh.. You know, being tired ?"

"You used that excuse waaaaay too many times today. What's the catch ?" She said this an unimpressed look.

I sweatdropped and took her outside. "Look, I need to tell you something but I don't think the other people should know about it."

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND ???" She cheered.

I looked at her unimpressed. "No, not a boyfriend. Just, something. A TINY something." I looked at Blue again, who seemed even more confused. I put my hand in my pocket and let Blue hold it so I could lift him. "This is Blue. An adorable bitty."

She stopped then jumped in place and yelled "OH GOD YOU DO HAVE ONE !"

"Anthea calm down !"

"I CAN'T ! It's too cute !"

The bitty looked alarmed. "Are you okay Blue ? Do you wanna go home ?"

"I'm... Fine..."

"Anthea, calm down, you're scaring Blue."

"N-no ! It's fine, I'm fine. I think... I slept too much." He obviously lied.

Blue I swear to god you're a bad liar. You're shivering as if someone was about to kill you ! Bringing you here might have been a bad idea...

"How did you afforded on ??" Asked Anthea still super hyped.

"I didn't. I found him freezing in Central Park yesterday."

"Wait. You only found him ?" She asked with doubt.

"Yeah. Why ?"

"Oh god ! I read online that bitties are saled by pair ! That bitty has a brother ! Don't tell me you didn't found his bro ??" She freaked out.

"Wait what the f-- FRIGDE ??What do you mean ? Blue is that true ??" I suddently looked at the bitty.

"I... Didn't saw him in a while so thought that... He have been adopted ?" He said looking guilty.

"Wait a minute, I don't get it. What do you mean you have a bro ?" I stopped them, totally lost.

Blue sighed. "As a bitty, I have a brother. Each of them depend on which collection we are. I am a Baby Blue, from the UnderSwap collection, so my brother is a Lil Bro. Just like in the UnderTale collection, the Sansy have Papy as a brother, and this with every collection."

"Not EVERY collection." Proudly said Anthea. "Blue, did you heard about the AfterTale collection ?"


"Bitties are WAY more interesting than school. Anyways, Apparently the Aftertale collection had a BIG problem with the Geno's brothers and they had to stop the collection, and tried to get rid of every last of them. Obviously, they fleed for their lives. They k--"

I put my hand on Anthea's mouth. And looked at her in a pleading way. She looked at me then nodded.

"Anyway, rumors says that a few Geno are still wondering around and that they're worth VERY much. You could be millionaire in no-time if you sell a Geno !"

"THAT MUCH ??" I imagine myself under a rain of money. I would definitly do tons of things with that ! "How can a bitty cost so muuuch !"

"Dunno. But that would be great to be rich amiright ?"

"Fuck yes !" I snickered. "And I wouldn't say no for a bit of cash !"

"Wanna come over ? We can have more love-talk and more bitty-talk."

"Seems like fun ! What do you think Blue ? You want to go at Anthea's place ?" But the bitty didn't respond.

He kept shivering, not saying a thing, holding his head like he was about to explode.

"Blue ?"


What do you do ?


I'm pretty sure you're like "HOLY FUCK YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU ??" I know, I know.

Your bitty is currently having a REALLY bad time with his thoughs. What can you do now, huh ?

I think I have an idea for a plot with another bitty but we'll see how things turn out. Remember, your goal isn't to find all the bitties. You can find as many as you want, knowing that there are 20 bitties in total that you can adopt.

You currently have 1 bitty and still have no idea where the 19 others might be. (or at least pretend to please) What choice will you make that could bring you to meet another bitty ?

Caro's bitty adventureWhere stories live. Discover now