Auditions:Part 1

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Mr.Jarfred's Class of Intermediate English 'A' piled in the large hall of the audotorium. Harry with his group of friends and Julia,a brunette who was small in height and liked to hang around with everyone.Darcy was in her combat boots,Black Cropped T.shirt with her belly-piercing showing and black tights which came till her knee's. 

The boys in the room were still staring at her as she walked in with Jackie,Dale and Anna.

Mr.Jarfred came up to the stage as the students sat down on the gray chairs.

''Silence,Please''He said and all the kids stopped speaking ''Thankyou,Well as you all know that we've come here for the auditions of Romeo And Juliet.Now can anyone tell me who Romeo And Juliet were?''He asked smiling in what seemed like a creepy smile to Darcy.

About half a dozen hands went up,Darcy kept hers sticking to her sides though,she just wanted to get this over with

Mr.Jarfred pointed to Avery,the bubbly red-head .''Yes Avery,Explain''

Avery smiled and began speaking''Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written early in the career of William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately unite their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare's most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers'' Everyone gaped at her ,she paused for a minute took a deep breath then spoke more

''Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. Its plot is based on an Italian tale, translated into verse as The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet by Arthur Brooke in 1562 and retold in prose in Palace of Pleasure by William Painter in 1582. Shakespeare borrowed heavily from both but, to expand the plot, developed supporting characters, particularly Mercutio and Paris. Believed to have been written between 1591 and 1595, the play was first published in a quarto version in 1597. This text was of poor quality, and later editions corrected it, bringing it more in line with Shakespeare's original.

Shakespeare's use of dramatic structure, especially effects such as switching between comedy and tragedy to heighten tension, his expansion of minor characters, and his use of sub-plots to embellish the story, has been praised as an early sign of his dramatic skill. The play ascribes different poetic forms to different characters, sometimes changing the form as the character develops. Romeo, for example, grows more adept at the sonnet over the course of the play.

Romeo and Juliet has been adapted numerous times for stage, film, musical and opera. During the English Restoration, it was revived and heavily revised by William Davenant. David Garrick's 18th-century version also modified several scenes, removing material then considered indecent, and Georg Benda's operatic adaptation omitted much of the action and added a happy ending. Performances in the 19th century, including Charlotte Cushman's, restored the original text, and focused on greater realism. John Gielgud's 1935 version kept very close to Shakespeare's text, and used Elizabethan costumes and staging to enhance the drama. In the 20th century the play has been adapted in versions as diverse as George Cukor's comparatively faithful 1936 production, Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 version, and Baz Luhrmann's 1996 MTV-inspired Romeo + Juliet.'' Avery Took a deep breath then exhaled loudly

everyone just sat there gaping at Avery's Long Long Speech

Mr Jarfred broke the silence''Thankyou,Avery that was an amazing explanation,Now I want everyone to check the boards for which part they want to audition for,all the names and acts of the characters are on the board''

All the students got up going towards the huge green board with the list of characters ,Darcy Stared boringly at the list:

Ruling house of Verona:

.Prince Escalus is the ruling Prince of Verona

.Count Paris is a kinsman of Escalus who wishes to marry Juliet.

.Mercutio is another kinsman of Escalus, and a friend of Romeo.

House of Capulet:

.Capulet is the patriarch of the house of Capulet.

.Capulet's wife is the matriarch of the house of Capulet.

.Juliet is the  daughter of Capulet, and the play's female protagonist.

.Tybalt is a cousin of Juliet, and the nephew of Capulet's wife.

.The Nurse is Juliet's personal attendant and confidante.

.Peter, Sampson and Gregory are servants of the Capulet household.

.House of Montague:

,.Montague is the patriarch of the house of Montague.

.Montague's wife is the matriarch of the house of Montague.

.Romeo is the son of Montague, and the play's male protagonist.

.Benvolio is Romeo's cousin and best friend.

.Abram and Balthasar are servants of the Montague household.


.Friar Laurence is a Franciscan friar, and is Romeo's confidant.

.A Chorus reads a prologue to each of the first two acts.

.Friar John is sent to deliver Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo.

.An Apothecary who reluctantly sells Romeo poison


''Wow,that is some long list,which part will you take?''A husky voice said from behind Darcy

Darcy turned around and wanted to slap the curly-haired hot tall boy standing before her but remembering Jackie's instruction.

She smiled flirtily at him and said in a low seductive voice''Juliet,How about you?''

Harry looked nervous and answered''uhh- Romeo,I think''

''Okay,Good Luck''She said starting to walk away

''Same to you''Harry replied walking away too.

Jackie stood from afar staring at the scenec that had just taken place. Huh TskTsk Tsk. Such cute kids 

She chuckled to herself 

Jackie stood on the other end of the room learning from the script

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