The 'date'? part 2

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The situation was akward even for me,it had been 10 seconds since  I had been on top of the smirking Harry,yet it felt like hours.There was only one way I was getting off him,Something I had done many times before to boys,It worked every time and would hopefully work  this time too

I brought my face closer to his,till our noses were touching,I could feel is breathing get uneven,I kissed his jaw line softly.A smirk came on my face when I saw his eyes holding a desperate look.He groaned as I kissed his jawline again.His grip loosened and I stood up skipping up to the beach

''Hey,you cant just do that and leave''He yelled after me,I shrugged and sat down on the smooth sand wrapping myself in a towel.

I shut my eyes ,lying down on my back,I felt strangely drowsy.I was snapped back to my senses when a hand brushed mine,causing tingles to vibrate throughout my body,I looked up at the grinning Harry.

Wait,this was not supposed to happen.Chemistry is a whole shit load of non-existent crap--this is a job.I frowned when the tingles attacked again as his hand brushed mine,when he was sitting down next to me

''Have you ever been to this beach before?''He asked softly,breaking the silence

''No''I replied shaking my head.

''Then,come with me,I'll show you something''He said getting up,I looked up at him and saw the moon reflecting his pale green eyes,making them shine.

I followed him as he went inside a huge abandoned beach hut.Going up the many  winding stairs,I panted trying to keep up his speed,we reached the top roof,where he motioned for me to sit ,

I lay down on my back watching the stars shine.Harry was lying next to me, watching silently,A stray strand of my silvery white hair came on to my face and he turned to me brushing it away,his finger traced my cheek while doing so,giving me another attack of strong tingles and shivers down my spine.I shrugged the feeling off

 ''Are'nt they beautiful?''He whispered softly ,looking at the thousands of stars

''Yeah''I said unsurely

He faced me,leaning in.I leaned in on instinct,I had done this before ,alot.But this was the first time I was actually nervous.His hand cupped my cheek and he pressed his lips on mine,I kissed back,and then the strongest attack of tingles came,my stomach was feeling funny and I pulled away quickly.

This was wrong,This is'nt supposed to happen.Harry looked confused.He followed me as I  went back ,I pulled the coverup and started walking away from the beach

''Where are you going,Darcy?''Harry asked ,I texted Jackie to pick me up, I turned around to face him

''Home''I said coldly,he was a heartbreaker,me crushing on him would be wrong,this is a job,and even  if I do like  him he would just trample my heart

He looked hurt,and I started to feel bad ''I'm sorry,Harry,I had a great time but Jackie wants me home''I lied,speaking kindly,He looked better and nodded understandingly

''I want to take you out again,How about starbucks tomorrow at 9am''?He called after me

''Sounds good''I  said,just as Jackie's car,arrived,I went in,to face my cousin who was staring at me ,

confusingly and questioningly

''You have alot to tell me and the girls''She said waggling her fingers at me

I sighed,Here comes 50 questions---(note the sarcasm)

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