Apologies, Make out sessions and fourth dates

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Darcy's POV'

'Darcy'' Harry whispered behind me. We were in Mr. Jones' math class. I was trying to solve an equation but the curly haired weirdo won't stop bothering me. 

I thought of the event that had happened on our third date and was momentarily distracted but Mr.Jones obviously noticed.

''Darcy James! Are you doing this equation or not?!'' He yelled in my face.

I flinched '' Yes Mr.Jones, I was getting to it''

''Good'' He muttered before going around to torture some other poor kid.

I felt a hand grip my thigh, it was bare, considering the small jean shorts, I gulped . Harry's hand went near my thigh. I swatted it away and heard a small yelp.

''Why did you do that?'' he hissed clutching his hand. I shrugged carelessly, fixing the black band which was holding my - now slightly longer - white hair. They came till my shoulders.

He poked my back, trying different ways of getting my attention till Mr. Jones sent him out of the class.

I finished the geometric equation peacefully. The bell rang noisily. I handed my work in to which Mr. Jones nodded approvingly. Jackie was not in this class which was why I was the best student.

I started walking to my next class but was pulled inside the janitor's closet. I opened my mouth to scream but a smooth familiar hand covered my mouth tightly.

The person shut the door then flicked open the small bulb. Harry's green eyes glowed in the weak lighting. I could make out his freckled cheek. I started going out but he out his hand on my arm stopping me.

''Please'' he said quitely.

I couldn't resist the look on his face and gave on sliding down on the floor. He sat down next to me

''I'm sorry for what happened on the last date. I think you're perfect Darcy. And I could'nt control it. You have no idea how much self control it takes to be around you and resist kissing you'' he growled .

My heart thudded loudly and I stood up. He stood up too, towering me. He put both hands on either sides of the wall blocking any means of escape. 

Then he leaned in closer till his perfect pink lips crashed down on mine. It was a blazing sensation. I moaned in ecstacy and tangled my fingers in his hair, kissing him back hungrily.

His hands ran up and down my body. My back was shoved against the wall. I was elusively aware of the bruises I was going to get but I couldn't help it.

After we pulled apart after what seemed like a century. He came closer to me

'' I want a fourth date, sexy'' he whispered huskily in my ear. 

I bit my lip, nodding

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